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W. R. K. Innes, A. M. Lopez, R. A. Fiato, L. L. Ansell, C. W. Quinlan and M. P. Ramage ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company Annandale, New Jersey USA 08801
Abstract. Conversion of natural gas to liquids (GTL) utilizing Fischer-Tropsch (FT) hydrocarbon synthesis technology is an attractive option to bring static gas resources to market. Since 1981, ExxonMobil has played a leading role in this area, with $400M invested in research and development of its proprietary process, Advanced Gas Conversion for the 21st Century (AGC21). ExxonMobil has pioneered the development of new high performance catalysts and reactor technology for synthesis gas generation and conversion, and recently introduced industry leading upgrading technololgy to produce various fuel, lubricant and specialty products that can be tailored to specific business needs. This state-of-the-art GTL technology provides an important commercial option for utilization of stranded natural gas located around the world. Continuing research at ExxonMobil is leading to additional technology improvements that will further reduce the cost of producing liquids from natural gas. This article discusses recent advances in ExxonMobil's AGC-21 technology achieved as a result of an ongoing, comprehensive research, development and engineering program.

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