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Malfunction of RAAS

Nitrogenous wastes impairs platelets Bleeding tendencies ANEMIA

Decreased Erythropoietin Production

Continuous decline in renal function > 90 % of kidney damage

Toxins irritate pericardial sac

Toxins impair immune system Decreased Immune system

Urea deposits on the skin Uremic frost


Na & H2O retention

Cardiac Tamponade - Reduction in renal capillaries -Scarring of Glomeruli - Atrophy & Fibrosis of Renal tubules Risk for superinfection Sepsis Toxins affect CNS

Decreased Urine Output Oliguria

Increased blood pressure


-fatigue - weakness


Pulmonary Edema, Peripheral Edema

Heart Failure

Stage IV END-STAGE RENAL DISEASE (ESRD) GFR <10% Continuous Multisystem Affectation Multiple Organ Failure

Uremic Encephalopathy -changes in mentation/ psychiatric symptoms -irritability -fatigue -insomnia


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