22 Summer 2012

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Bob and Susan Tevault church planters in the

B.I.M.I., Box 9215, Chattanooga, TN 37412 Field Address: P.O. Box 61, Surigao City, 8400 Surigao del Norte, Philippines Sent by Franklin Road Baptist Church, Murfreesboro, Tennessee www.bobtevault.com rstev54@yahoo.com Dear Friends, Summer 2012 The Lord has answered many prayers! When we moved to Surigao City in February we came with only what could fit in our van. I dont think Susan will ever forget those weeks without a kitchen and a washing machine! After we found a place to live, we had some men from the church in Ozamiz drive the rugged twelve-hour trip here with our household things. Before they returned to Ozamiz I took them around Surigao City showing them the area where we planned to start the new church. As I drove slowly through the area with the men, one of them saw a small cardboard sign that said, For Rent. We were able to talk to the owner and see inside the building. I knew almost immediately that the building was what we needed to get started. No doubt the Lord wanted those men, and all of our friends in Ozamiz to Our meeting place share in the excitement of this new mission. Shortly after we rented the building, a group from Ozamiz came to help us clean, make repairs, and paint. How we hated to see them go! We had 30 in our first Bible study on April 29. It was mostly children, so we decided to sing childrens songs and to teach a childrens lesson. Throughout the month of May we averaged 15 in the Sunday service, but we also started childrens classes on Tuesday through Friday afternoons in neighborhoods near the church. When the school year starts again, the childrens classes will be moved to Saturday mornings. Please continue to pray for the numerous precious souls that we have seen saved. The area around our church is very receptive to the Gospel. Most people that we witness to are hearing the message of salvation by Our first service grace for the very first time. Though they are very receptive they are also very afraid to break from family traditions. We desperately need Gods power to help them. Next week we will be adding a Bible college student to our staff. He is from our church in Ozamiz and will do his internship here with us. Weve known him since he was a little boy so are delighted that he will be with us. He will be a much needed help with the children, teens, and music ministry. God bless you for your concern. Sincerely,

The Tevaults

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