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A unique challenge to Indian American Parents

Two careers and two cultures

Two careers create very little time
Two cultures create unique challenges

Parenting is a journey
We learn: about ourselves Our values Our childhood Our spouse and we can: Shape the future Mold a global citizen Contribute to humanity

Raising a culturally balanced child

Exposure to the American culture and language is

organic Exposure to the Indian culture will have to be created

What is culture?
Indian culture is complex
It is also very fluid like a river it is ever changing

just slightly (as it assimilates from the surrounding, there is also a sense of continuity)

Lack of time
Lack of clarity about what to teach Lack of resources Spouse with a different idea about culture Lack of training especially in communication Complexity of Indian culture

You and your spouse

Are you two on the same page?
Or at least reading from the same book?

What do you consider culture?

Respect and reverence
Social skills Language Religion Art Music literature

What is most important to you?

Visualize your child as an adult
What would you like him or her to be doing?

Assimilation or Alienation?
Lunch: Indian or Western?
Which language to teach? Dress Activities

How do you do it?

Giving samskara is a slow process
You have to do it day in and day out You have to be the role model of what you want to

preach Be open - create an environment for learning Art of communication

Patience Respect Sense of humor Sharing Timing

Day to day life

Use of prayers
Books Music Stories Breathing techniques yoga

Be creative
Choose one family festival Involve children in a true sense Have fun

What are the benefits of some traditions?
Do you have one? Can you create one? What are traditions?

Indian art or music

Enroll in one of the classes
Understand the long term value of it

A small window of time

The first 7 years of your childs life
We can stretch it to may be ten years But our time is limited

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