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Applications of IC555 timer: Pulse position modulator

This circuit uses Astable Multivibrator circuit. It generates high frequency square waves at pin3. The frequency (f) can be calculated using the values of R1, R2 and C. The control voltage pin5 is connected to external modulating signal () having amplitude (Vm). The threshold pin6 and trigger pin2 are tied and connected to capacitor C. Trigger pin4 and power supply pin8 are also tied together and connected to +ve supply of the battery. Now when power supply is switched on, the circuit starts to produce high frequency square waves. If there is no input signal at pin5, this frequency is constant. But when modulating signal (V m) is applied at pin5 the threshold voltage at pin6 changes and time delay of output pulse changes. Due to this, position of square waves at the output changes. Thus, pulse position modulation (PPM) is obtained. As shown in waveforms, when Vm increases, the

square waves get compressed and when Vm decreases, they get expanded. This is the basic characteristics of a PPM signal. When the PPM signal is demodulated at the other end (i.e. at receiving end), the original modulating signal is recovered.

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