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SUBJECT: TITLE: LEVEL OF STUDENTS: TIME REQUIRED: Time management is important as technology-based lesson takes more time (to set-up, technical problems, students are excited distribution of resources.) KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED BEFORE THIS LESSON: This section is important because this lesson is only a part of the whole module. OBJECTIVES: Students at the end of the lesson will be able to: Please keep the number of objectives to a maximum of 4 LESSON PROPER: The lesson is divided into 3 sections Time What teacher is doing Introduction Suggeste Generally, the teacher reviews d concepts required for the Time. lesson; demonstrates the use Importan of software; gives instructions, t explains the tasks. Try to move to time away from a teacher-talk only -manage. lesson. Get students involve in the lesson Get them to participate. Activities Teacher needs to guide the students. Monitor to make sure they are on task and intervene if the students are off task. What students are doing TOPIC:


Ask students to demonstrate what they have learned, and finally the teacher will sum up the whole lesson. Could be a paper & pencil worksheets; or from school textbooks.

Need to prepare Activity Sheet instructions, record data and draw conclusions. Need to design / adapt the lesson to the students ability level. Ensure that the activities are engaging and require then to think. Students can present their results, share their findings and ask questions. Students can spend time on their own to explore further the software after

Assessment And followup.

the class is over or during extra time.

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