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S K Mondal


How to prepare for PSU using my notes?

Please follow the step by step procedure given below for preparing PSU where only objective type questions are asked.

General guidelines
I found that in all competitive examinations similar type of questions are asked. They are alike but not the same. The questions are not repeated but the theory (Funda) which needed to solve the question remains same. So you dont need to remember the questions and answers but you must remember the funda behind it. Previously it was not like that. Because that time the question paper was set by PSU people. Most of the questions were copied from the book of R.K. Jain. Now every PSU papers are set by Professors of IITs or renowned Institutes. Professors dont copy questions but they check students fundamentals of the subject. So we must be prepared with fundamentals. Thats why funda is repeated. You know that in the engineering books are not made for objective type questions. The theory involves rigorous derivations, enormous calculations etc and our University examination is also conventional type. We have to prepare for Objective Questions. For that first read the book carefully try to solve my question set with your own and check with my explanations. Mark with a pencil in your books which funda is needed to solve this problems.

For clearing doubts or any time if you have any confusion

Open a PDF file from the folder Search for solving Question and press key Shift+Ctrl+F then type any keyword and search. Use down arrow key in the result. Doing this 99% confusion will be clear. If confusion is not clear yet call me or mail me.

S K Mondal


Which subject is more important? Or from where should you start?

First check my question set and calculate the number of questions asked. The subject from which most of the questions were asked is more important and the chapter from which more number of questions were asked is more important.

1. Strength of Material
Prepare with my notes only. You dont need any other books for this subject. First understand the theory which is given at the starting of the chapter. And then try to solve my question set with your own and check with my explanations.

2. Industrial Engineering
Prepare with my notes only. You dont need any other books for this subject. First understand the theory which is given at the starting of the chapter. And then try to solve my question set with your own and check with my explanations.

3. Fluid mechanics and Fluid Machines

Prepare with my notes only. You dont need any other books for this subject. First understand the theory which is given at the starting of the chapter. And then try to solve my question set with your own and check with my explanations.

S K Mondal


4. Production Engineering (Manufacturing)

Concentrate on questions and answers. Prepare with my notes and with one other book. If you are familiar with any books buy the book but my suggestion is P.N. Rao (2 volumes). First understand the theory from book. And then try to solve my question set with your own and check with my explanations. First prepare the chapter from which more number of questions was asked.

5. Theory of Machine
Prepare with my notes and with one other book. If you are familiar with any books buy the book but my suggestion is Khurmi+Gupta. First understand the theory from book. And then try to solve my question set with your own and check with my explanations. First prepare the chapter from which more number of questions was asked.

6. Material Science
Concentrate on questions and answers. Prepare with my notes and with one other book. If you are familiar with any books buy the book but my suggestion is Hazra+Chaudhry. First understand the theory from book. And then try to solve my question set with your own and check with my explanations. First prepare the chapter from which more number of questions was asked.

7. Basic thermodynamics
Prepare with my notes and with one other book. If you are familiar with any books buy the book but my suggestion is P.K. Nag. First understand the theory from book. And then try to solve my question set with your own and check with my explanations. First prepare the chapter from which more number of questions was asked.

S K Mondal


8. Heat Transfer
Prepare with my notes and with one other book. If you are familiar with any books buy the book but my suggestion is R.K. Rajput. First understand the theory from book. And then try to solve my question set with your own and check with my explanations. First prepare the chapter from which more number of questions was asked. Very important chapters

Basic concepts ( 1D conduction) Unsteady conduction (Lump heat capacity) Radiation Heat exchangers

9. R.A.C (Refrigeration and Air conditioning)

Prepare with my notes and with one other book. If you are familiar with any books buy the book but my suggestion is C.P. Arora. First understand the theory from book. And then try to solve my question set with your own and check with my explanations. First prepare the chapter from which more number of questions was asked. Very important chapters

Vapour refrigeration cycle Psychometrics Psychometric process

S K Mondal


10. I.C Engine

Prepare with my notes and with one other book. If you are familiar with any books buy the book but my suggestion is Sharma+Mathur. First understand the theory from book. And then try to solve my question set with your own and check with my explanations. First prepare the chapter from which more number of questions was asked. It is very less important subject. Just prepare the following topic

Difference between CI & SI engine abnormal combustion detonation and its control Fuel rating ( Octane and cetane rating) Supercharging Carburetor Performance and testing Pollution control

11. Power Plant Engineering

Prepare with my notes and with one other book. If you are familiar with any books buy the book but my suggestion is P.K. Nag. First understand the theory from book. And then try to solve my question set with your own and check with my explanations. First prepare the chapter from which more number of questions was asked. From this book just study some chapters

analysis of steam power cycle boiler turbine

S K Mondal


12. Machine Design

Prepare with my notes and with one other book. If you are familiar with any books buy the book but my suggestion is Khurmi+Gupta. First understand the theory from book. And then try to solve my question set with your own and check with my explanations. First prepare the chapter from which more number of questions was asked.

how to prepare for IES?????????????????????????? dont think it is too hard. It is [b]not easy[/b] as well as [b]not hard[/b]. All it needs some serious preparation. 1st buy Previous years papers (New Vishal Publication) 2nd buy books from booklist I had given in this thread for your branch. 3rd try to solve Previous years papers with your own with the help of books. Mark with a pencil in your books which funda is needed to solve this problems. Remember questions will not repeat but that funda will have have repeated. so try to understand that funda not question answer. after 6 months you will be confident to crack IES. take help from. Self study is the best study. Coaching only reduce your preparation time. By giving the exam 2 - 3 times you will gain experience and final selection. Coaching will reduce your time. By self study you will definitely make some mistake in the total process and you will learn from your own mistake but in coaching there are many faculties they will guide you so that in total process you will not make silly mistake.

Subject Priority list for IES only

1. Fluid Mechanics 2. Thermodynamics 3. RAC 4. Heat Transfer 5. Power plant (With nuclear power) 6. SOM 7. TOM 8. Manufacturing 9. Industrial Engineering 10. Design 11. IC Engine 12. Engineering materials 13. Computer related.

Subject Priority list for GATE only

1. SOM 2. TOM 3. Math 4. Industrial Engineering 5. Manufacturing 6. Design 7. Fluid Mechanics 8. Heat Transfer 9. Thermodynamics 10. RAC 11. IC Engine 12. Power plant (With nuclear power) 13. Engineering materials 14. Computer related.

About conventional papers

For Preparation For Conventional Paper you must practice with previous 25 yrs IES and 25 years Civil Services (main) papers. Solve this paper with your books and you will find some similar or advanced problem, in your book, like question asked. Solve them also. At the examination centre Step-I: First read the instruction which is in the question paper and be clear about how many questions have to answer. Step-II: Read the questions carefully and understand clearly what examiner wants. Step-III: Start answering with easiest question. But remember all parts of the question should be answer in one place means if question no 5 has three parts (a), (b) and (c). In your Answer sheet first mark 5/(a), 5/(b) and 5/(c) with different pages assuming that you need that much space to answer that part of the question. Now you are free to answer 5/(c) first that you find easiest in the paper. Step-IV: After answering 5/(c) you find that next easiest question is 9/(b). Repeat step-III and answer 9(b) in that way you proceed. Step-V: After 2.45 hr. In the middle of all blank pages write P. T. O Step-VI: for 5 to 10 marks question you dont need the formula derivation. Do the formula derivation if a mark for the question is more than 10 Step-VII: Write the meaning of all the symbols used. e.g Mass (m) = 10 kg. Velocity (v) = 25 m/s etc. Step-VIII: Write whatever you know about the question. Remember there is part marking if you write something they will give you some marks.

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