A Guide To Online Storage Solutions

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Guide to Online Storage Solutions

nd every computer user knows that backing up data is absolutely vital to maintaining the integrity of their files and folders. User do not back up data appropriately are highly susceptible to losing access to important information due to hardware failures, file ption, viruses, disasters, accidental deletions, and even theft. When this happens, many people are often devastated by the loss of tant and unrecoverable data. Despite having this knowledge, many computer users still fail to backup their data regularly, or the y rely on intermittent backups to USB and thumb drives. Today, there are more backup solutions than ever before, including onl p services that allow you to store your data in the increasingly popular cloud, so there is little reason to forego routinely backing tant data.

dividuals and businesses alike, choosing an appropriate backup solution can be a long and confusing process. Different types of ge devices and services offer different features and many people never truly understand the differences between such solutions. er, many people have no idea how to accurately assess their needs and choose a storage solution that fully satisfies their requirem ake the decision process easier, it is necessary to understand what the different solutions are, how they compare to one another, a o decide whether they can fulfill your requirements.

pes of storage solutions

are two types of storage solutions available today: onsite and online, a.k.a. offsite. Onsite data storage usually refers to the stora nformation on local servers, hard drives, external hard drives, including thumb drives, USB/FireWire drives, CDs, and DVDs. In ast, online data storage is a term that is used to refer to any and all file hosting services on the Internet. These services typically s ve amounts of data on huge servers that are housed in one or more data centers.

onsite and online storage solutions have their advantages and disadvantages. For many people, speed is a major concern, since th o be able to back up their data efficiently and without interruption. A great advantage of onsite storage solutions, provided a loc or hard drive is being used, is the speed. Any time data is transferred over a local network or through a USB or FireWire conne ransfer rates are typically very high, and there is very little reason for the connection to be interrupted or slowed. This is not alw se with online storage services. The speed of a data transfer, whether it is an upload or a download, will always depend upon the et connection at your location as well as the amount of traffic the file hosting service is currently experiencing. A connectivity em on the users side or on the hosts side will prevent data transfers and will even interrupt downloads and uploads while they a ess. However, many online services do have excellent records of 99.9% uptime.

it comes to security, online storage solutions tend to be more favorable than onsite solutions. Many people worry that their data ercepted during a file upload or download. Fortunately, data is encrypted for security purposes during both downloads and uploa h makes it very difficult for outsiders to steal any information. Other great security advantages of storing data online is that it is n ptible to being lost due to any disasters that occur in your home or place of work, and your data cannot easily be stolen. tunately, storing data onsite on CDs, DVDs, or external hard drives makes it very easy for anyone to simply walk off with all of tant data.

f the leading causes of data corruption and loss is experiencing a hardware failure or malfunction. Unfortunately, a computer or nal hard drive can malfunction at any time, but this risk greatly declines when professionals are continuously monitoring such ware and the data is backed up on multiple servers. For most companies and individuals, constantly monitoring hardware is impo o the man hours and knowledge required to carry out the necessary checks. When data is stored at a well maintained data center, uch lower risk of losing files and folders due to a malfunction, since a team of professionals will be maintaining all of the data s at all times. Additionally, onsite data storage devices are susceptible to being attacked by viruses that are on your computer or network, while online storage services are not.

manner in which data is accessed via onsite and online storage solutions differs greatly, and in many regards, online storage solut he upper hand. When using an external hard drive, CD, or a local server for data storage, data cannot easily be accessed anywhe verywhere, nor can it easily be shared with others. In order to upload or download data to a hard drive or a disk, the device must cted to the computer and it typically can only be used by one computer at a time. Online storage services make it possible for us d and download information anywhere there is an Internet connection. Data can easily be shared via shared user logins or by ding others with links to the files. The downside, however, is that your access is not always guaranteed, since an Internet outage , and you may experience slow uploads and downloads, depending on site traffic and your connection speeds.

e amount of stored data grows, it is necessary to utilize a flexible storage service that can continuously meet a users needs. Whe storage devices, once the data has exceeded the devices storage capabilities, a new device must be purchased. This can lead to g ked up data, since a user may not have another storage device on hand immediately. Additionally, it can be quite inconvenient to h through multiple storage devices when trying to locate a file. Online storage services, on the other hand, typically allow subscr chase and access extra storage space within a number of minutes. Since the data is stored in the same virtual location as other fil hing for files is much easier than searching for files that are spread out amongst multiple storage devices.

ost individuals and some businesses, cost will be a major factor in deciding whether to utilize an onsite or online storage solutio advantage of onsite storage is that the user only incurs a one time cost that is associated with purchasing the necessary hard drive ther storage media. Nowadays, the cost of such media is incredibly low - an external hard drive that can hold a terabyte of data c ased for well under $100, for example - and there is a good chance that the prices of devices with extremely large storage capabi ontinue to decrease. Online storage services, on the other hand, typically charge users monthly fees based upon the amount of sto that is required. However, there are some services that allow users to upload small amounts of data for free.

to Choose Between Onsite and Online Storage

people think that onsite storage devices are adequate for meeting their needs. However, it is important for both individuals and esses to fully consider using both onsite and online storage devices, since there are very few people who can safely say that an on ge device alone is able to meet their needs. If a person can confidently say that they would not be impacted in any way by the los data, they will be served well by only onsite storage devices. Similarly, if a person can confidently say that having an interrupted ction to their stored data will not impact them negatively, then it is possible to only consider an online storage service.

oth individuals and businesses, using online services in conjunction with onsite devices is the best way to ensure that all of the da e and accessible. Online storage provides users with the peace of mind that the data will remain intact in any event, including loc ware malfunctions, accidental deletions, thefts, and disasters, while onsite storage provides a quick and easy method for storing an sing data at any time, regardless of any Internet connection issues. Additionally, online storage is the perfect solution for anyone to access their data from multiple locations or share it with others within an instant.

pular online storage service features

Automatic desktop synchronization - Set a specific data and time at which the service will automatically back up all of the d on your computer, or data that is located within specific folders. Syncs can be performed daily, weekly, or on any other desired interval, though daily syncs are recommended. 256-bit SSL encryption - Keeps passwords, login names, file uploads, and downloads secure via enhanced encryption. This c also lead to faster upload and download times, since ISPs typically do not bottleneck or throttle 256-bit SSL encrypted data be it is normally used to transfer highly sensitive information, including financial information, passwords, and credit card details. Password protection - Data can only be accessed when the correct password is entered into the website. Passwords can be res any time, and some services will also allow you to regularly reset the password according to a specified interval of time. Self-defined navigational trees - Create menus and organize every file into user-defined menus and submenus. There is usual limit on the number of folders that can be created or the number of files that can be placed within each folder. However, there be limits on the size of the data that can be stored in a single folder or a maximum file size may be given. Text-based search engine - Search for any file, regardless of the filetype, and folder by typing in necessary keywords or the t Some online storage services limit access to this feature to only their higher paying or business subscribers. Personal website - Store every file in a personal website that can be set to private access only or shared with certain people. A data is accessed through the personalized website, making it easier to organize and share data. Branding - Add a company logo and color scheme to your storage site. It may also be possible to add custom links to outside pages, including your companys website. Shared links - Create a link with a single click to any file or folder that is stored online. Links can be emailed, posted to other websites, or sent to others via communication methods provided by the online storage service provider. Permissions - Set sharing permissions for all stored data. All files and folders can be specified as being editable or view only f specified users. Some services also make it possible to specify exactly what data is shared with each of the sites users. File previews - Preview a file before downloading it to your desktop. A variety of filetypes, including DOC, JPEG, GIF, PDF PPT, and XLS are typically supported. Certain filetypes, such as Mac OS X specific filetypes, including PAGES, may not be available for auto previews. Online file editing - View and edit files without having to leave your browser or download a thing. Several document and spreadsheet filetypes are typically supported. Publish data to the Web - Turn stored folders into public Web pages that can be accessed by anyone without the need for a password or any special permissions. Multiple user uploads - Allow other people to submit files to your account for storage. File version history - Store a version of every single file as it changes over time, making it possible to access and revert to old versions of any and every stored file. Permanent storage - Never delete another file again, so you can easily recover data that was accidentally deleted from your lo storage devices. Public discussions - Create and manage discussion threads pertaining to shared files. This feature is useful for subscribers wh share data and require project management tools. Instant alerts - Receive an email alert any time a file is uploaded, downloaded, or modified by another member. Mobile access - Access all of your stored files and folders via a mobile device, such as a smartphone, via a tailored app. Third-party software integration - Use your files with other types of software and services, including Gmail, FedEx, Twitter Zoho. It may also be possible to access data through third-party websites, like Google Apps, Salesforce.com, and Intuit QuickB

of online storage solutions

ost of online storage services is typically quite similar amongst competitors and in most cases, it is highly affordable. The costs a

y charged at monthly or annual rates, and some companies offer price breaks to subscribers who pay for each year upfront. Ther number of services that allow subscribers to store and access their data for free. However, such services typically limit data stor GB or less and do not provide users with access to the full suite of features, which may be quite inconvenient for business custom eople who wish to manage projects through file sharing.

online services charge around $40 to $55 per year in order to store up to 150 GB of data and between $135 and $190 per year to up to 500 GB of data. Some services also place additional limitations on file uploads by specifying a maximum file size of 2 GB h makes it incredibly difficult to back up large movie files. However, there are some online backup services that allow users to st limited amount of data for as little as $55 per year with no additional or hidden fees for services. These unlimited services are ally stripped down in terms of features, but are very useful for anyone who needs to store massive amounts of data on a tight bud

w to choose the right online solution

sing the right online solution for your needs can be incredibly daunting, especially since you are storing highly sensitive and tant data that cannot be compromised under any circumstances. Fortunately, the decision making process is a lot easier when yo which features to look out for, including:

Security - Never subscribe to any online storage service unless you know how they protect your data while it is being uploade downloaded, and stored. Many companies will utilize 128-bit SSL encryption, which is an industry standard. However, 256-bi encryption is better and 448-bit Blowfish encryption is also suitable. If a storage company does not advertise how they keep yo data safe, be sure to contact them and find out before using their services. Compatibility - Some services may require you to download additional software to your computer in order to run regular back routines. This software may not be compatible with all operating systems. Automatic daily backups - Backing up your data on a daily basis guarantees that your data will always be safely stored. Additional backup options should include an automated backup being created any time a file is modified and saved locally. Al data should ideally be backed up several times across multiple servers at the companys data centers. Reliability - There are a number of services that provide a 99.9% service uptime guarantee. This means that you will be able t access your data 99.9% of the time, provided your Internet connection is working. Be sure to select a company that offers such guarantee as well as a money back guarantee in the event that they do not meet their advertised uptime standards. History - Choosing a long-standing company can help safeguard your data from being lost due to a company going out of bus Companies that have proven their worth by sticking around for a number of years are more likely to stay in business and you c rest assured that their experience will provide you with a better level of service and security. 24/7 customer service - Having access to a customer service representative around the clock will guarantee that you have acce the technical help you need right when you need it. Location - Find out where the companys data center is located. Typically, it should be located at least 50 to 100 miles from y location. This will prevent your backed up data from being affected by local disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes. Storage space - If you have a large amount of data to store and expect it to grow rapidly, an unlimited service will be ideal. Choosing an unlimited service may also provide great cost savings. A general rule of thumb for all online service subscribers i choose a plan that offers more space than is currently needed. This will help ensure that the amount of allotted storage space is quickly outgrown. It is always important to also pay attention to maximum allowed file sizes. File versioning - To safeguard against accidental file deletions and file overwrites, a service that provides access to previous versions of files should be chosen. Be sure to check how many versions are made available by each service or if a time limit is placed upon each file. Cost - Always evaluate your finances prior to choosing a storage service. Selecting a service that you are not able to afford in long run may lead to having to transfer all of your backed up data to another provider on short notice. This process can be very

timely and if it is not completed on time, some data may be lost. Collaborative tools - Business customers and people who are looking to integrate file sharing tools within their projects may b better served by choosing a service that offers a variety of collaboration tools. Some useful tools include shared Web pages, discussion boards, link sharing, and email notifications.

pular online storage solutions


e - ioSafe was founded in 2005 and is a leading data storage company that offers a range of external and internal hard drive solut th home and professional use. Today, their products are used by a range of notable companies, including the U.S. Fish and Wild ce and QuickPCSupport.

xternal backup solutions offered by ioSafe include the Solo USB 2.0, SoloPRO USB 3.0, SoloPRO eSATA/USB 2.0, and the RO SSD eSATA/USB 2.0. Each of these external hard drives offers 2 terabytes of storage space, except for the SoloPRO SSD A/USB 2.0, which offers only 256 GB of storage space, making it more suitable for home use, rather than office use. Each drive des users with exceptional data transfer rates, ranging from 480 Mbit/s to 5Gbit/s. With an ioSafe external hard drive, users shou o store all of their files, ranging from documents to movies and music, with ease.

it comes to protection, the ioSafe drives have got you covered. Each drive is fireproof and waterproof, essentially making them er proof. Data stored in one of these external hard drives will remain intact in temperatures reaching up to 1550 degrees Fahrenh 3 degrees Celsius, for up to half an hour, thanks to its DataCast endothermic fire insulation technology which keeps the internal erature down by releasing cooling water vapor once a temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit is reached. Data is also protected fr when submerged in water that is up to ten feet deep for up to three days due to the HydroSafe water barrier, which keeps water ou allowing heat to dissipate during normal operation. The SoloPRO SSD eSATA/USB 2.0 goes a step further than the other drive it can also withstand up to 1000g of shock and 5000lbs of crushing force.

e drives are also relatively theftproof due to the built in Kensington security slot and anti-theft tab. This makes it easy to secure t to nearly any surface, which makes it difficult for thieves to simply pick up the external drive and leave with it. Securing the driv ace also protects it from moving during a major disaster, such as an earthquake or hurricane.

ioSafe drive comes with a number of data recovery service options, which start at the low cost of $49. In the event that you cann ve the data yourself, ioSafe will recover the data for you at no cost with no questions asked, provided a recovery plan was purcha covery plan has been purchased and ioSafe is not able to recover your data, they will provide between $1000 and $5000 for serv when using an outside company to recover your data.

Safe hard drives are compatible with both the Windows and Mac OS X operating systems. However, there is limited compatibil Linux-based and Windows Server operating systems. Users of Windows XP, Vista, 7, and all Mac OS X operating systems at or version 8.6 can benefit from being able to choose any of the hard drives that are on offer. People who need to back up data from

uters running Windows Server 2000, 2003, or 2008, and Linux Debian, Fedora Core, or Redhat will need to choose either the RO eSATA/USB 2.0 or the SoloPRO SSD eSATA/USB 2.0.

ms of design, the ioSafe hard drives are visually appealing and incredibly rugged. They are also very easy to accommodate, since t need to be positioned in a specific manner in order to run. However, the air vents must be kept clear at all times in order to ensu he heat is able to dissipate normally. Unfortunately, these external hard drives are quite heavy and weigh in at 15 to 20lbs. each. s that putting one of these drives in a backpack and traveling is simply out of the question. Instead, they have been designed to b led in one location and to stay there.

e external hard drives should be within most individual and professional price ranges. The most affordable unit, the Solo USB 2. only $149.99, while the most expensive unit, the SoloPRO SSC eSATA/USB 2.0, costs $749.99. Both the SoloPRO USB 3.0 an RO eSATA/USB 2.0 are reasonably priced at $249.99. Each drive also comes with exceptional help and support, since they are d by a 3 year warranty, which can be upgraded to 5 years at

er to back up your data with an ioSafe drive, additional software will need to be installed on your computer. This is the only way will be able to schedule routine backups without having to perform them manually. Although these hard drives do offer superior mance when compared to other external drives in terms of data protection and data transfer speeds, they do not offer easy access since they are not mobile. Additionally, unlike online services, sharing data will not be quick and painless because the drive will have to be connected to each individuals computer or placed on a network. All in all, these hard drives are great for individual reating local backups, but they should typically be used in conjunction with online storage services. The latter is especially true f s, groups of people who need to share data, and people who require access to all of their data wherever they go.


Box is an online storage option that has been available since 2005. Due to its robust set of features, which range from individua ge options to collaborative tools, it has become an industry leader and has even attracted many famous subscribers, including MT ESPN, and DirecTV.

ffers a number of plans that are suitable for individuals and larger companies. For home use, the Personal plan is available for fr e first 5 GB of stored data. After the first 5 GB have been used, a charge of $9.99 per user per month will be applied to up to 25 cost of $19.99 per user per month will be applied to up 50 GB of storage space. Additionally, file sizes may not exceed 25 MB o lan and 1 GB on paid plans. This plan provides users with access to their files from anywhere and it is also possible to share link with others. However, the features that are available to Personal plan users are highly limited.

Business plan is aimed at small offices and project groups and provides users with 500 GB of storage space. However, the maxim ze is capped at 2 GB, which may make it difficult for filmmakers to store uncompressed movies. The Business plan costs $15 pe er month and a free trial is available. Business plan users will have access to most of the available tools and features, but their ced administrative and security controls are highly limited, making this plan unsuitable for any organization that requires a high urity and control over their files.

most robust plan available from Box is the Enterprise plan, which is priced at $35 per user per month. This plan provides subscrib access to every available feature as well as an unlimited amount of data storage. However, the cap on file sizes still remains at 2

h makes this plan unsuitable for any organization that needs to store large files without compressing them. A free trial is available cting the company via phone.

tunately, security controls and options are very limited for Personal users. Business and Enterprise subscribers, however, are off it SSL encryption during file transfers, the ability to select which users are able to access files through the main software interfac he option to password protect specific files and folders. Account administrators also have access to a wide range of reporting feat h allows them to see who has been logging into the system and what has been happening to all of the stored files. Sadly, only prise users are offered 256-bit SSL encryption while files are at rest on servers in the Box data centers.

her limitation for Personal account subscribers is that they will not have access to version histories for their files. This means that subscribers can only access the most recent versions of their files. However, Business and Enterprise users do have full access to ons of their files, even after changes have been made and saved.

roups of people who are looking to collaborate online and quickly share files, Box offers a wealth of features that are quite simila ct management software tools. Some of these features include the ability to create a personalized Web page that allows you to ize all of your files and folders into user-defined tree structures, the ability to publicly share an entire folder, and the option to cr d workspace where files can be viewed, edited, and added to by other group members. When sharing content, members are also a mment upon different files, create open discussions, and create and assign tasks as well as their due dates. Folder permissions can to control which users are able to access the various folders.

at benefit of using Box is that it allows users to integrate with third-party services, which can make file sharing and transferring . Some of the third-party software Box can currently integrate with include eFax, Twitter, Gmail, Google Analytics, and force.com. Additionally, there is a Box app available for the iPhone, iPad, and the Android operating system, allowing subscribe s their data with ease when they are on the go using a smartphone.

atter which plan you have subscribed to, you can rest assured that your data has been backed up multiple times. Box backs up ev bit of data on backup servers in other facilities that are not located in the same geographical location as the original servers. Thi s that your data has enhanced protection from being damaged due to disasters. Additionally, the provide a 99.9% uptime guarant ng that you should almost always have reliable access to your files and folders.

ately, Box will be most suitable for users who are looking for collaborative features and are willing to fork out the cash per user onthly Business or Enterprise fees. However, this service will not be suitable for users who are looking for a service which allow to schedule automatic system backups, and any home users who are looking for the best security for their files will not be satisfi Personal plans. This service, however, does have a very user-friendly interface that is stripped down to the essential features, mak y for all kinds of users to get along with.


onite - Founded in 2006, Carbonite offers solutions for both home users and professionals who are looking to keep all of their file d up. Carbonite is free to try, and the company claims that almost 70% of their trial members go onto subscribing for their servic h is an astonishing success rate.

onite offers a single plan, which is unlimited storage at a flat price. However, it is possible to save a small amount of money by ng up for multi-year plans. For example, a one year plan costs $54.95 per computer, while a two year plan costs $99.95 per comp three year plan costs only $129.95 per computer. Depending upon which plan you choose, you can save anywhere from roughly

er to use Carbonite, the Carbonite application must be installed on your computer. Currently, this software is compatible with ows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. It is also compatible with Intel-based Macs running OS X 10.4 and above. The only o ement for being able to use Carbonite is to have high speed Internet access, such as Broadband speed Internet.

Carbonite is installed, it can be used to automatically back up many different filetypes on a computer and backups can be schedu ur daily, on a certain day, or every hour. Currently, the software supports all kinds of photo, document, email, and music files. I eate automatic backups of temporary files, system files, or software applications, but video files, executable files, and files large can be backed up manually.

at advantage of installing Carbonite is that it creates automatic backups of most filetypes that are stored on your machine. It will backups of files that have been modified. This makes this service a great choice for anyone who does not have the time to back data manually. However, this process can only be carried out while the computer is connected to the Internet.

ser interface for Carbonite is extremely easy to use, which is partly due to the fact that this software has been designed to do onl which is to back up your data. The main interface makes it easy to find out when your files were backed up, how many files we d, and how many files have yet to be backed up via the startup screen. Choosing your backup interval is also extremely simple an options are clearly laid out and simply titled. If you ever need to restore a file, the Backup Drive makes it easy to search for the estore it to your computer via a right-click.

sing your files is incredibly easy and can be done from anywhere there is Internet access as long as you have your login details o Additionally, users who own an iPhone, Android-based phone, or Blackberry smartphone can download the Carbonite app and s their data from anywhere without the need for a computer.

ity for Carbonite users is extremely high. Files are encrypted with 128-bit Blowfish encryption before they even leave a compute h is an industry standard. They are then uploaded to the companys servers via SSL technology and a professional security firm g ta centers around the clock each and every day. Additionally, data is backed up on multiple servers that are located in geographi ated data centers, which safeguards your data from being lost due to a major disaster at the main data center.

event that you experience a technical difficulty while using Carbonite, you will be given access to their support team via phone, and live chat at no extra cost. Although the phone lines are only open during regular business hours, the live chat is available 24 a day.

onite will be a great service for any individual or business who is looking to do only one thing: backup their files automatically. nately, it does achieve this goal and its plan is very reasonably priced. Although this service does not provide advanced file shari es, like group access to a shared website or the ability to create and share links to files, it does make backing up data simple and ery low cost, while providing your files with a great level of security.


sync - SugarSync was founded in 2004 and is a highly popular online storage service that is used by a wide variety of people and izations, ranging from home users to small businesses and professionals. Its most notable user is Bloomberg, and this service off ore than the average number of features that are provided by many of the other online storage services.

Sync offers plans that are suitable for both individuals and businesses that require multiple users to share a single account. It also free trials for all of its accounts as well as a free plan for individuals. The free plan can be used forever and provides users with rage space. For home users and professionals who require a personal account but only have small amounts of data that need to b d up, the 30 GB and 60 GB plans offer ample storage at an affordable cost. The 30 GB plan costs only $4.99 per month, or $49.9 ear, while the 60 GB plan costs $9.99 per month, or $99.99 per year. People who require more storage space can opt for the 100 0 GB plans. The 100 GB plan is priced at $14.99 per month, or $149.99 per year, while the 250 GB plan is offered at $24.99 per h, or $249.99 per year. There is also a 500 GB plan for individuals that is available for an introductory price of $39.99 per month 99 per year. For business users who require accounts with multiple users, a plan business plan is available with 100 GB of storag and access for up to three users. This plan costs $29.99 per month, or $299.99 per year, for new customers. Once the introducto d ends, the costs will go up to $49.99 per month, or $449.99 per year. Additional users can be added to an account at a cost of $9 er per month, or $99.99 per user per year, and additional storage can be added at a rate of $29.99 per month for each 100 GB of ed space, or $299.99 per year.

Sync is currently compatible with two of the most popular operating systems around: Windows and Mac OS X. Currently, it can led on machines running Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Max OS X 10.5 or greater. Unfortunately, this list excl eat number of Mac OS X Tiger users and Linux users.

of the best benefits of using SugarSync are that it allows its users to automatically backup their files, access files from anywhere iles across multiple computers. Once the initial backup is created, there is no need to perform any more maintenance within the cation. SugarSync will automatically save the changes you make to your files and store any new files that you add to your compu does this, it works in the background while taking up very few of your computers resources, so it should not interfere with the onality and speed of your other applications, including the most demanding applications on your computer. You can also drag an iles to a Web Archive folder to save each version of each file as you work on them. When it comes to access, SugarSync goes ab eyond. All of your data can easily be accessed via the online interface and from multiple computers. If you want to sync multiple uters, simply install SugarSync on each computer. Computers can also be synced to other devices while they are off, since Sugar able of updating them once they have been turned on. This means that you can easily start editing a file on one computer and the working on it via another computer without having to place the file on an external drive or email it to yourself.

e who frequently edit their files on computers that do not belong to them, such as school computers or machines at work, will be the ability to edit files on those machines and automatically save any changes to the online storage space. These machines dont o have the SugarSync client installed. All that is required is Web access, so you can log into your personalized storage website.

ional file access is available through mobile devices, such as smartphones. The iPhone and Windows Mobile phones are currentl rted and data is accessed by navigating to your personalized mobile site. The mobile site allows users to access all of the feature Sync without the need for a computer.

have ever lost a file due to an accidental overwrite or deletion, SugarSync can help you recover those files. With file versioning

ous five versions of all of your stored files are automatically saved, so you can retrieve and restore them to your computer whene eed to. Additionally, a wide variety of files have file versioning built into them, including document, spreadsheet, music, photo, files as well as PDFs.

e who store tons of photos can greatly benefit from the photo storage and sharing capabilities of this application. In addition to g all of your photos in a gallery view that has the option for adding comments, it is also possible to install SugarSync Mobile on a phone and automatically have all of your camera phone pictures backed up. You can even share your photo galleries with othe e and give them the option to comment on the photos they view.

ng files through SugarSync is an easy and convenient option for people who are tired of emailing attachments or uploading files ervers. A public link can be generated for each and every file, and these links can be shared through Twitter, Facebook, or via em can also be shared through blogs and instant messaging applications, meaning you can now share files of any size with other peo h is usually not the case when you try to email an attachment or attach a file to an instant message. When a user clicks on a share c link, they will be given direct access to the file without having to provide a password or register for anything, and public links c abled at any time.

need to collaborate on a project with other people, you can share any of the folders that are on your computer. By sharing a fold members are able to view, edit, and save new files to the folder, and the version of each file will continue to be tracked, which s you can audit every change. The owner of the account or folder can also specify which folder members are able to view the fol hich members are able to edit the contents of the folder. It is also possible to add password protection to folders and set up emai cations to alert you any time a folder has been accessed or updated by another member.

you store your files with SugarSync, you can rest assured that they are safe. Both uploads and downloads are protected by SSL ption technology, which is the industry standard for secure Web-based communications. While the files are in storage, they are pted with 128-bit AES technology, which is commonly used by banks. This makes it difficult for anyone who does not have you and password information to access your data. In fact, even SugarSync employees are not able to access your precious data. ional security is provided through redundant servers. Each and every one of your files is stored multiple times on multiple server s locations that are distant from one another. This means that your data is protected from natural and manmade disasters.

SugarSync to backup and access data is extremely easy via its streamlined online interface. Every function is clearly labeled an us to recognize, and the gallery viewing options make it very easy to locate specific files. Also, users who have trouble using Sync can access help straight from the interface and by using the live chat support system. For telephone support, there is a mon e. However, this service is available for free to business users.

Sync is a great online storage solution for anyone who needs access to flexible plans and the ability easily sync devices and shar with others. It also offers great data security and options for business accounts that require multiple user access points. However, costs of plans that provide more storage space and the limitations upon storage space, it is probably not suitable for any users w oking for a massive amount of data storage - one terrabyte, for example - at an affordable monthly price.

- Mozy was founded in 2005 and is a very popular online backup service amongst both consumers and businesses. They current

two backup products: MozyHome and MozyPro, which is intended for office use. Notable Mozy users include the American Red in Nashville and the University of San Francisco.

Home is currently compatible with Windows 7, 2000, XP, and Vista as well as Mac OS X 10.4 and above. MozyPro goes furthe g compatibility with Windows 2008, 2003, and 2000. MozyHome is priced at $4.95 per month, or $54.45 per year for an unlimit nt of storage space, while MozyPro offers desktop licenses for $3.95 per month and server licenses for $6.95 per month for an ited amount of storage space. Unfortunately, a free trial is not offered for MozyPro, but MozyHome can be used for free by any wishes to store only 2 GB of data or less.

it comes to security, Mozy takes no chances with your data. All files are protected via 128-bit SSL encryption during file transf 48-bit Blowfish encryption for stored files. Additionally, files cannot be accessed without using an authorized login. Users with ced capabilities can also add an additional layer of protection by choosing a personal key or managed encryption key.

user who is looking to automatically backup their files will be well served by Mozy. In addition to scheduled backups that can be ily, weekly, or monthly intervals, files are also saved as they are being modified. For Windows users, Mozy offers an additional cation called Mozy 2xProtect, which allows them to easily store their data on an external drive, such as a USB device.

event that you accidentally save over a file and need to revert to a previous version, Mozy creates version snapshots that span th ous 30 days. This gives users the ability to restore all file versions from the past 30 days.

Pro users can create multiple user accounts, making file sharing easier. However, they do not offer the sharing and discussion es that are available from some other file sharing services. This service also lacks access from mobile devices, such as smartpho

e plus side, the Mozy software interface is simple and easy to understand. Via tabbed browsing, any user can easily change the p settings, restore old files, and navigate all of their stored data. Menus are clearly laid out and there is no confusing or technical n present on the user interface.

Home is a great option for home users who are looking to back up their data with ease, but do not need any advanced file sharin ilities, and MozyPro is definitely a great choice for businesses who are looking for unlimited data storage, but do not require any ced project management or communication features. Additionally, both plans come with excellent levels of technical support via nd access to knowledge base articles. MozyPro subscribers, however, are given the option to contact technical support via phone


e - IDrive is an online storage solution that is offered by Pro Softnet Corp, which has been in business since 1995. Currently, a er of plans are offered for personal, family, and business use for the Windows and Mac operating systems.

omputer users who only require a small amount of personal storage space, IDrive Basic offers up to 5 GB of storage space for fre e users who require up to 150 GB of space can purchase a plan for $49.50 per month, while families can purchase 500 GB of spa five computers for only $149.50 annually. Business plans range anywhere from 50 GB to 1000 GB of storage with costs ranging $99.50 to $799.50 per year. All plans are subject to overuse charges, which equal $0.50 per GB per month. However, overuse ch

e avoided by upgrading to a better plan.

of IDrive do not need to worry about security when they are transferring files, nor do they have to worry about the security of th while they are in storage. With IDrive, all file and folders are encrypted with 128-bit SSL technology during uploads and downlo h is the industry standard. Additionally, stored files are encrypted with 256-bit AES encryption, which is commonly used by fina nment, and healthcare organizations. On the downside, IDrive does not back up data across multiple servers that are geographica ated, which means that your data may be susceptible to being lost during major disasters, like hurricanes, earthquakes, large fires does.

ng up data is incredibly simple. The first time the backup software is launched, the application immediately scans your hard driv nd folders that you may want to back up. These files will include document, image, video, and music files. However, files and s can also be manually added to the list and backups can be scheduled to run at any desired frequency. It is also possible to back ire folder or drive immediately with the click of a button and files are continuously backed up as they are modified.

pplications interface is very easy to use and understand. Every single aspect is clearly defined, easy to find, and streamlined. Th n easy-to-understand user manual as well as telephone, email, and chat support for subscribers.

have ever accidentally overwritten a file with new data, IDrive has you covered. The service automatically saves the last 30 ver ery single file. Accessing older versions is easy to do and users are not charged for storing previous file versions. Instead, storage upon the amount of space that is occupied by the most recent version of each stored file.

e is more than adequate for any users who are looking to backup their data with ease, but do not need advanced sharing capabilit e device support. Scheduling data backups is easy to do right off the bat and you can even access your data from anywhere at an f you have access to the Web.


Drive - OpenDrive is a popular storage service that also has some file sharing capabilities. It is primarily used on the Windows rm and currently offers a range of plans that have been designed for personal and professional use.

ne who wishes to try OpenDrive for free can open a Basic account, which will provide them with up to 5 GB of storage space an y to store any file that is 100 MB or less in size. Home users who require more space can sign up for the Home plan, which is pri per month or $50 per year. This plan provides 100 GB of storage space and a maximum file size of 1 GB for up to five users. It a unlimited download speeds and computer access, and 25 GB per day of bandwidth. Office users have access to 500 GB of stora for $15 per month, or $150 per year for up to 50 users. The maximum file size for an Office account is 2 GB and daily bandwid d at 100 GB per day. However, there are unlimited download speeds and an unlimited number of computers may access the serv most expensive option, the Pro plan, is priced at $25 per month, or $250 per year, for up to 200 user accounts. It offers 1 TB of st with a 2 GB maximum file size as well as unlimited download speeds and unlimited computer access.

penDrive subscribers are able to access their data from anywhere at any time via Web access, giving them the ability to upload, ge, and download files. The OpenDrive software is also included, which allows users to add folders and files to the list of data so hould be routinely backed up. Additionally, OpenDrive Desktop, which allows for user collaboration, and the API are available t

load and use for all subscribers.

using OpenDrive, entire folders and individual files can easily be shared amongst users by setting the appropriate permissions w stem. Users may also modify and discuss the stored files within the application. Additionally, links to files can be created and sh anyone, including people who are not on your OpenDrive user list.

the Synchronization Manager, it is possible to schedule automatic backups of your files and folders and to set the types of backu es that are required. The available options currently include Permanent Synchronization, which continuously back ups any files s that have been changed, and One Time Synchronization, which only creates a backup of the file or folder at the time it is selec e and Pro users also have access to previous file versions, in addition to current file versions.

try standard SSL encryption is used to protect file uploads and downloads as well as stored files. It is also possible to protect file s with passwords. However, data is not backed up on multiple servers that are stored in different locations, which means that yo an fall victim to major disasters.

ng started with OpenDrive is a pretty easy process. The user manuals and FAQ provide a wealth of information that can help eve inexperienced computer users get up and running with ease. There is also a searchable knowledge base and the interface is well l nd very easy to navigate. Phone and email support is also offered as well as access to a user forum.

ll, OpenDrive is an easy system to use that provides enough file sharing tools to satisfy many business users and project groups. ver, smartphone support is not currently offered and it would be nice for OpenDrive to offer file versioning for Home users, rath only their Office and Pro users.


ve - Founded in 2007, ADrive is an online storage solution that offers free and paid for plans that are suitable for individuals and businesses. Although this company is a relative newcomer, they do have a lot to offer and their plans can compete with those th d by well established companies.

Basic plan for individual use is a free plan that offers 50 GB of storage space, search tools, and file sharing capabilities. However come with third party advertisements. The Signature plan, which offers 50 GB of storage space for $6.95 per month or $69.50 pe is packed with the full suite of features and does not include any third party ads. The Premium plan also offers the full suite of es and provides anywhere from 100 GB to 1 TB of storage space, with plans starting at $13.95 per month or $139.50 per year. ver, the maximum file size for all accounts is 2 GB.

atter which plan you sign up for, you can access your FTP via any FTP client. File sharing is also easy to do via file links and the y to email those links directly from your ADrive account and files can be uploaded via the included Java uploader. Additionally, subscriber can easily search for files by typing in keywords or file names in the included search bar, and it is also possible to ed processing documents and spreadsheets online via the Zoho Online Document Editor, making it easy to work with files without g to download them first.

ture and Premium subscribers are able to retrieve older versions of their files. The file history feature allows users to view a snap older version and choose to restore it to their local hard drives or another storage device with a single click. Signature and Premi ribers also have the option to download the ADrive application, which is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux machines, onal cost. This application makes it easy to schedule automatic backups and access the ADrive account right from a users deskt

tunately, SSL data encryption is currently only offered to Signature and Premium users, meaning that many individuals on a tigh t may have to forget about using ADrive altogether. No matter what type of user you are, data encryption is important, since it cts your data from being stolen during downloads and uploads. In order to ensure that all of your data is secure, you should opt fo f the paid plans. However, this may make this service more attractive to business users.

g subscribers can also create multiple accounts, allowing multiple computers to access the ADrive account simultaneously. For m duals, this feature will probably be quite unnecessary. However, businesses and project groups can benefit from having easy taneous access to stored data.

nately, when you store your data with ADrive, you can benefit from their redundant backups. All of your data will be stored in a ata centers that are not in the same geographic location. This provides your data with protection from natural disasters.

ADrive user interface is easy to navigate and highly streamlined for all of your storage and data access needs. If a Signature or um user ever experiences a technical difficulty, they have access to 24/7 phone and email support, while Basic users can find an ir questions by searching and posting onto the user forum.

ve is reasonably priced, but it may be geared more towards business users than individual home users, since the Basic account des basic security functionality. However, a great high point for this service is the ability to view and edit documents via the Zoh ment Editor. This feature is a must for anyone who does not have constant access to the necessary document editing applications mpatient users who hate waiting for document downloads to complete.


box - Dropbox was founded in 2007 and was made available to the public in 2008. Today, it offers a range of plans that are suita th individuals and business users. It also boasts a hefty client list of over 4 million subscribers.

sers who do not require much storage space, Dropbox offers a free plan that provides you with 2 GB of storage space. Users who e up to 50 GB of space can opt for the Pro 50 plan, which costs $9.99 per month, and those who require up to 100 GB of space c ase the Pro 100 plan for $19.99 per month. However, since the plans limit storage to only 100 GB, Dropbox may not be suitable businesses or individuals who need to store numerous large media files, like movie clips and uncompressed file formats. On the all users have access to the full suite of features, making this a great option for anyone who does not have massive storage needs

Dropbox, users can easily sync their files, regardless of size or type, with the online storage service. It is also possible to matically sync new files and files that are changed as well as files that are stored on multiple computers. Dropbox is also compati a good range of operating systems, including Windows, Mac, and Linux, which are some of the most popular operating systems


ve ever accidentally deleted or overwritten a file, Dropbox can prevent you from losing your important data with ease. This ser des all of its users with access to 30 days of undo history for every single file. This means that it is possible to recover both delet nd older versions of files. For an extra fee, you can install Pack-rat, which provides you with access to an unlimited undo history

sing and sharing files from any location is a simple process when using Dropbox. All of the features and your stored files can be sed anywhere there is an Internet connection. Stored files and folders can also be shared with several people and any file changes ported to other Dropbox users immediately. It is also possible to create public folders and to set folder and file access permission ng that you have control over who accesses your information.

ional accessibility options are provided via mobile device access. Dropbox currently provides apps for the iPhone, iPad, BlackB ndroid-based devices. Through these apps, users can manage all of their files and folders, upload new files, and view existing fil

f the great benefits of Dropbox is its simple user interface and the fact that it allows users to create photo galleries. For many use nctionality may seem quite familiar, since it allows them to drag and drop files and folders right into the application and many onal functions can be accessed by right-clicking on the status dots that are on the folders in the application. Users who wish to sh galleries online can create shareable galleries with ease, and when others are given access to these galleries, they cannot access aspects of the account. Unfortunately, for users who struggle with the service or experience technical difficulties, only email sup ilable.

it comes to security, Dropbox properly secures all of the data that has been set to private via SSL encryption, and all data is set e by default. However, any public files and folders can be found by anyone who is provided with a link to them or accidentally bles upon them while surfing the Web.

ll, Dropbox offers the online storage features that most users are looking for. The only real downside to this service is the fact th not offer an unlimited subscription plan or any plans that offer more than 100 GB of data storage. Unfortunately, as time passes, er of people who have well over 100 GB of data to store will rapidly increase. Hopefully, a plan offering 1 TB of data storage w e in the future.


Micro SafeSync, formerly Humyo - Trend Micro was founded in 1988, and in June, 2010, they acquired Humyo and renamed i Micro Safe Sync. Trend Micro Safe Sync retains much of the functionality of Humyo, including file sharing features, and offer subscription plan.

Micro SafeSync is offered on an annual subscription basis, which provides access to every single one of its features and an unli nt of storage for all of your folders and files. The current price of the plan is 44.99, which is roughly $70 per year, and a 30 day s available. This plan also offers the option to opt into an automatic subscription renewal plan, which provides you with the secu owing that your data will never be compromised simply because you forgot to pay the next years fees.

SafeSync, files and folders on your computer are backed up automatically online and previous versions of all of your files are al

. If a file is ever deleted or modified on your computer accidentally, it is possible to recover an older version from SafeSync. ionally, files are kept safe during storage and transfers with 256-bit AES encryption technology, which is the same technology th oyed by banks and other financial institutions.

main SafeSync data center is ever struck by a disaster, your data should still be safe. All of their data is routinely backed up on dant servers that are located in a separate location and each file is backed up on multiple storage clusters. The servers are also cted from hackers via up-to-date firewalls.

sing your saved files and folders is easy with SafeSync. Your backed up data can be accessed through the online interface as we gh your desktop. Once SafeSync is installed, the online backup space appears as another drive on your computer. This also make o drag and drop new files into SafeSync. It is also possible to access photos, stream your saved media, and access files from a m e, such as a smartphone.

ne who stores tons of files will benefit from the search capabilities offered by this service. Instead of having to dig through tons s, you can use the included search engine to search for any file that you need. Files can easily be found by typing in the relevant s or keywords.

it comes to sharing, SafeSync offers the features that most users are looking for. Photo albums can easily be shared with others e slideshows and by publishing the photos straight to a blog. Files and media can also be published to Facebook or shared with o, Hotmail, and Gmail. It is also possible to share your account with others and receive updates on any and all file changes. User re worried about permission issues will feel at ease, since it is possible to select which SafeSync users have access to which files s can be revoked at any time.

Micro SafeSync is a good online backup choice for anyone who requires unlimited storage at a reasonable annual price. It will well for people who wish to share their files with ease through social networking sites or email. For businesses who require the y to discuss files online, however, an alternative solution should be sought.


antDrive - Founded in 2005, ElephantDrive provides a range of individual, personal, shared, and business accounts. For users w difficult to select a plan, they offer side by side comparisons, text summaries, phone support, and the option to try a lighter vers ir services for free.

antDrive Lite is available for free and provides users with 2 GB of storage space. However, the account can only be used by a si n a single computer and the maximum file size is limited to only 100 MB. Users who require a single account and 100 GB of sto can opt for the Personal plan, which is priced at $9.95 per month, or $99.50 per year. Personal subscriber plans can also back up n up to two external drives or computers and have a file size limit of 1 GB. The Family plan is available for $19.95 per month o 50 per year. With this plan, a single user account can store up to 500 GB of data and use ElephantDrive on up to five different uters. With an Enterprise plan, which is most suitable for businesses and project groups, an unlimited amount of data an be store hat are up to 5 GB are allowed. Enterprise subscribers also have access to the full suite of features and multiple users are suppor the Enterprise plan, 50 GB of storage space can be purchased for $25 per month or $200 per year, and five users may access the

nt. For 250 GB of space and support for up to 25 users, the plan is available for $115 per month or $920 per year, and for 500 G ge space and up to 50 users, plans cost $215 per month or $1720 per year. Free trials are available for all Enterprise subscribers a sible to upgrade to a plan that offers 1 TB of storage space with support for up to 100 users at a cost of $415 per month or $3320

iles stored online with ElephantDrive will be kept safe. During data transfers, files are encrypted with 128-bit SSL technology an it AES encryption is available for highly sensitive data. This level of security is available for every single account. However, on g subscribers are guaranteed that their data is stored across multiple servers in multiple locations, providing their data with secur st disasters. It is important to note, though, that each data center utilizes architectural practices and technologies that have been ned to safeguard against disasters, such as floods and fires.

e ElephantDrive, you must install the application on your computer. The application is currently compatible with Windows XP, and Windows 7. It is also compatible with Mac OS X Tiger and above. Once the software has been installed, the initial backup rformed, and all files and folders will automatically be updated going forward, including the addition of new files and changes to ng files. It is also possible to schedule regular backups of your system.

it comes to sharing, the options are very limited. However, purchasing a higher priced plan, such as the Family plan, may offer the multi-device integration that they require. Unfortunately, the sharing capabilities of ElephantDrive simply dont stack up aga mpetitors.

sers who are looking for a good set of basic backup features, ElephantDrive offers a good file search tool and file histories. This s it easier to locate files and also offers the possibility to revert to previous file versions once they have already been deleted or ied on your computer.

sing data is easy via the Web-based portal, which is also password protected. With the portal, you can download any of your sto using a computer that does not have ElephantDrive installed. However, a major drawback is that files cannot be uploaded to antDrive without the application being installed on the computer, which will make it difficult to update and back up any files on uter that does not belong to you.

ser interface for this service is very easy to navigate and use. It uses file structures which mirror those that are typically found on computers and selecting a folder or drive to back up can be done within a few clicks. If you experience any issues while using antDrive, you can contact support via phone or email. Alternatively, you can browse the online FAQ, but it only provides the mo information on the application.

antDrive offers a decent user plan for free that may satisfy users who have low storage needs. However, due to its pricing structu mited number of features, most individuals will most likely be better served by more affordable solutions that offer increased sto or services that offer similar prices, but a more robust set of features. Businesses may be able to afford ElephantDrive, but smal esses that require lots of storage space and sub-accounts may be locked out from their services because of their Enterprise plan p


e MobileMe - MobileMe is an Apple product that provides Mac and PC users, who have installed Outlook, with access to all of t

rom anywhere at any time. Apple was originally founded in 1976 and the company is still going strong.

ne who wishes to try MobileMe can participate in a 60 day free trial of the service. People who enjoy the service can choose from dual plan or a Family Pack. The Individual plan is priced at $99 per year and offers 20 GB of storage space in the cloud. It also hly data transfers to 200 GB, but it does give users access to every single MobileMe feature. The Family Pack provides up to 40 a storage and allows for the creation of four sub-accounts. Each Family Pack account has access to all of MobileMes features a st of the plan is set to $149 per year.

er to use MobileMe, you must be running a machine with a compatible operating system. The application currently runs on the e and iPod Touch with iOS 3.1.3 or higher as well as the iPad with iOS 3.2 or higher. For Mac OS X users, version 10.5.8 (Leop her is recommended, along with Safari 4 or later, or Firefox 3.5. PC users who are running Windows 7, Vista, or XP may also u leMe.

MobileMe, all of your email, contacts, and calendar information can be backed up with ease and synced with other devices, whic e useful for anyone who frequently uses multiple computers or a computer in conjunction with a mobile device. Every MobileM s provided with a me.com account, which can be synced up with other email clients. Whenever an email is received via MobileM essage is pushed to all of your devices automatically and a notification is generated. When it comes to managing your contacts, leMe makes things much easier. If you add a new contact to your iPhone, for example, that data will also be sent to your other sy es, such as the Address Book on your Mac or Outlook on your PC. Similar syncing is also available for your calendars and any ntment updates will be sent to all of your synced devices. This service, however, is not currently available for Microsoft Outlook e is working on a solution.

eature that no other online storage service offers is the ability to easily find your lost iPhone or iPad. With MobileMe, you can en nd My iPhone or iPad setting on the device once you install the application. If the mobile device is lost, you can log into your m account from any computer and locate the device on a map. You can also locate the missing device by commanding it to play , and you can increase your chances of retrieving it by sending it a display message that allows the person who finds the device t the item is missing and how to contact you. It is also possible to remotely lock your iPhone or iPad and set a passcode, which w your private information safe and sound.

management is a breeze with MobileMe, especially if you own a Mac and use iPhoto 09 or Aperture 3. Any changes that are m ur photos and any photos that are uploaded will immediately show up online. Additionally, you can backup any photos that are st erture and iPhoto from within the applications. Users can also upload images and video from their iPhones to their online accoun an even create and share photo galleries with friends and family members, and allow them to contribute their own images to you ies.

e heart of MobileMe is iDisk. With iDisk, you can drag and drop all of the files and folders you need to back up to the virtual sto on your computer. The backed up files will then be available online through me.com and they can be accessed by both Macs and ll as mobile devices, like the iPhone and iPad. Files can also be previewed online, including iWork and Microsoft Office docum ver, they cannot be edited online. Instead, they must be downloaded and modified.

it comes to sharing, MobileMe has the features that many users are looking for. Any folder can be made public, allowing anyon s the stored information from their Web browsers, and public information can be modified and added to by invited users. You ca hare links to large files with the included email function, meaning that you no longer have to generate a link to a file, log into yo account, and then compose and send a message. Instead, everything can be done from within iDisk.

MobileMe interface as well as me.com are very easy to use and provide the streamlined look and functionality that is expected fro

ystems. Many Mac users will find that the interface is very familiar and easy to navigate. If help is ever needed, support is provi pple, which is a leader in providing customer satisfaction and service.

ll, MobileMe will most likely appeal to Mac and iPhone users more than anyone else. However, it does offer a great range of sto haring features for all users as well as great syncing functionality. The only real downside is the limited amount of storage space

gle Docs

le Docs - Google Docs is a free document storage service from Google. It is becoming increasingly popular amongst college stud ll as professionals who need to access a wide variety of document formats from any computer at any time.

le Docs is a free service that can be accessed by opening a free Google Docs account or a Gmail account. All users are provided of storage space for their documents and this is not counted toward, nor is it derived from the space that is already being used in le accounts, such as Gmail.

most impressive feature of Google Docs is that it allows its users to view and edit any of their stored documents online, regardles h computer they are using. Currently, word processing documents, including those generated by Microsoft Word, spreadsheets, a ntations can be stored and edited in Google Docs. Additionally, all of the data can be stored in user-defined folders, rearranged, a ied at any time.

editing a document, all of the most necessary editing functions are available. This includes the ability to cut and paste text, nam change fonts, and add additional formatting. When working on a spreadsheet, it is possible to use formulas, reorganize sheets, an data from multiple cells with a single click.

mparison to many services, Google Docs truly does excel at providing document sharing and collaboration tools. A link to any ment can be sent to anyone within an instant and it is also possible to give people the ability to view and edit your stored docume you no longer need to have the necessary software installed on your computer in order to view a shared DOC or PDF file, for ple, since the files can now be displayed online through your Web browser.

Google Docs interface is extremely easy to navigate and features the stripped down, simplified look that is expected from Google cts. The interface is also quite similar to popular word processing applications, like Microsoft Word, which should make it easy sers to find their way around the application. Additionally, mobile devices, such as the iPhone, iPad, and Android devices can a se Google Docs through the mobile app, allowing people to edit files on their phones while they are on the go.

ne who is looking for a simple way to work on their documents from anywhere at any time or share them with others should try le Docs. The service is free, so there really is nothing to lose.


Drive - LiveDrive was founded in 2006 and offers two basic backup plans that will appeal to individuals and home users. There a ersions of the application that are available for businesses, but their features and pricing are tailored to the needs of each individ ess.

ersonal plans from LiveDrive offer unlimited storage space, bandwidth, transfer speeds, multiple computer support, and 24 hour rt as well as support for mobile devices, including the iPhone and the Blackberry. The most basic plan, which is called Backup, per month or $66.53 per year and offers users access to some of the applications features and functions. The more robust plan, Backup & Briefcase, offers access to all of LiveDrives features and is available for $16.95 per month or $170.53 per year. Any s interested in subscribing to their services can try the software for free for up to two weeks.

Drive provides users with automated backups of their files and monitors all files for changes. The application is compatible with and Windows computers, which are two of the most popular operating systems around. However, data can be downloaded onto a uter through the password protected Web portal, even the computer does not have LiveDrive installed.

are also provided with security against accidental file deletions and overwrites. LiveDrive automatically saves up to 30 versions single one of your backed up files. This makes it easy to locate and restore your files through the Web portal or the LiveDrive cation.

ecurity, LiveDrive uses industry standard SSL encryption technology. Your files are encrypted during data uploads and downloa are also encrypted while they are being stored on the data servers.

ting for the LiveDrive Briefcase, you can easily sync files between all of your computers. The Briefcase automatically syncs all data across all of your computers without the need for you to lift a finger. You can also send photos from the Briefcase to social orking sites, like FaceBook, and email files to the Briefcase from any computer to ensure that they are stored on all of your comp Briefcase is also extremely easy to use, since it appears on your computer as an additional hard drive. This means that you can dra rop files into the Briefcase, just as you would for all of the files that are stored on your local hard drive.

need to view and edit your documents on the go, but do not have your word processing applications installed on all of your uters, LiveDrive can help. By logging into the Web portal, you can view and edit your Microsoft Office documents right from yo browser. Additionally, the Web portal has a built in music player, photo viewer, and video player.

ng is easy with LiveDrive. You can generate a link to any of your files with a single click. This link can then be shared with any riends and family members via email or through a social networking site. You can even post the link to your website, and there e size restrictions placed upon your shared files.

Drive is a great service for anyone who is looking for unlimited storage at an affordable price. The software is easy to use and all users to view their files on mobile phones and revert to older file versions.

dows Live SkyDrive

ows Live SkyDrive - Live SkyDrive is an online storage solution that is provided by Windows, which was founded in 1975, thro Windows Live Web portal. Live SkyDrive is available for free to all users under a single plan structure.

SkyDrive provides all of its users with free access to 25 GB of storage space. This space can be used to store nearly any type of f ding documents, photos, videos, and music. In order to access the service, a free Windows Live account is required and all of you mation is password protected.

f the great advantages of using Live SkyDrive is that you can easily access and edit all of your stored Office documents through browser. This means that you can view and edit documents that were created in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or OneNote uters that dont have any of those applications installed. For busy professionals and students, this feature offers a very valuable e.

SkyDrive, files can be downloaded to any computer and you can also access files through a mobile device. The iPhone and Win es are currently supported. With Office Web Apps installed, you can even view and edit documents on your smartphone.

it comes to sharing and collaboration, Live SkyDrive offers users a few different options. For example, files can be emailed thro ail. However, these files are limited to a file size of only 50 MB each. Alternatively, a folder can be created within Live SkyDriv d with individuals and groups. The shared folder can be protected with a password of your choosing, allowing you to share the word with others at will. When a folder is shared, certain members can be given file editing and uploading permissions. To preser tegrity of your data, file version histories are generated and you can revert to a previous version at any time.

lso possible to create and share online photo galleries. With the Live Photo Gallery, you can store all of your photos and edit the e. Once your photos look the way you want them to, they can be added to Live SkyDrive and organized within a gallery that can private or shared. You can even view online slideshows of all of your images.

nterface for Live SkyDrive mimics the look and feel of other Windows products. This will make it incredibly easy for current an ows users to familiarize themselves with the interface.

ne who is looking for free and easy access to their Office documents and photos may want to try Windows Live SkyDrive. With ows Live account and SkyDrive, you can easily manage and edit your documents from anywhere at any time. Also, since this is ows product, you are guaranteed an excellent amount of service uptime.

zon S3

on S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service) - Amazon S3 is a service that is primarily used by businesses, including Web storage

ders, that store or distribute large amounts of data. Unlike many other storage services, Amazon prices its plans per GB used and ace any caps on the amount of storage space that is available to its customers. Notable users of Amazon S3 include SmugMug, Simulator, which is the storage service used for Second Life, and Dropbox.

on offers a tiered pricing structure for its data storage plans. For example, users who use up to 1 TB of storage space will be cha 0 per month for every GB that is used. Once the first terabyte has been used, the next 49 TB will be charged at a rate of $0.125 p h per GB. Finally, any user who requires over 5000 TB of storage space will be charged $0.055 per GB per month. People who ribe to the Reduced Redundancy Storage plan, which provides less security than other plans, can benefit from lower monthly cos stance, the first TB of data is priced at $0.093 per GB used per month, while each GB that exceeds 5000 TB is charged at a rate 7 per month.

on also charges subscribers for their data transfers. All subscribers must pay $0.100 for each GB that is transferred to their serve utgoing data, the charges are as follows: free for the first GB of each month, $0.150 per GB per month for all transfers below 10 0 per GB per month for the next 40 TB, $.090 per GB per month for the next 100 TB, and $0.080 per GB per month for all outgo n excess of 150 TB.

eatures of S3 have been intentionally designed with a very stripped down and basic feel to them. This has been done in order to de developers with a flexible storage platform. Some of the main features of Amazon S3 include unlimited storage, encrypted da ility to choose a storage location, and the ability to write, read, and delete objects from within storage.

it comes to security, very few services can beat Amazon. All of your data is stored and copied across multiple servers in multip ons. Through the use of redundant data storage, it is also possible for Amazon to automatically repair any corrupt file with the dant data. However, it is possible to choose a plan with less security in order to save money. This service, which is called the ced Redundancy Storage option, should only be used for non-sensitive data.

S3, you never have to lose another file again. Every single version of every stored file can be saved indefinitely, providing you w s to files which may have been overwritten or deleted from your computer. It is important to note, though, that file versions do bute to your file storage fees. To keep costs down, you should dump old versions once a certain number of file modifications ha made or after a certain amount of time has passed.

nterface that is used for Amazon S3 is very easy to use and only includes the most basic, but highly necessary, storage options. use of this, the average computer user can access S3 and learn to use it with ease. An additional advantage of S3 is that it can be multiple operating systems, including the Linux, Windows, and Mac platforms.

ersonal use, Amazon S3 does provide very low storage charges, especially to those who only require a minimal amount of storag . For example, 8 GB of space can be purchased for only $2 per month. However, most personal users will benefit from download ditional application, which can aid them with automatically backing up all of their data. Many S3 users tend to use Jungle Disk, h is compatible with the Mac, Windows, and Linux platforms.

rge businesses and developers, Amazon S3 is the industry standard when it comes to cloud-based storage. The service is fully ble, incredibly fast, inexpensive, easy to use, and reliable. In fact, any and all users of S3 will benefit from over 99.99% uptime.


a - Wuala was founded in 2007 and offers a range of plans that are suitable for home users as well as businesses that require able storage and basic backup features. Wuala is currently compatible with computers that are running the Mac, Windows, or Li ting systems.

who only require 1 GB of data storage can use Wuala for free. However, they wont have access to all of the backup features, ding file version histories. For $29 per year, all of the features can be accessed and 10 GB of storage space is provided. All other rovide access to the full list of features and are priced as follows: $49 per year for 25 GB, $79 per year for 50 GB, $129 per year GB, and $289 per year for 250 GB. Additional storage can be purchased and users can even trade their local disk space for additio e storage space.

trading your local disk space for online storage, the additional storage provided is equal to the amount of storage space you mak ble multiplied by the amount of time that your computer is online. For example, if you have 100 GB of storage space that you w in and are typically online 60% of the time, you will be provided with 60 GB of online storage space in exchange for your 100 G disk space. Although the final amount of storage space is less than the original amount of local disk space, it does provide you w s to your online data at any time from anywhere as long as you are connected to the Internet. However, you must be online for a mum of four hours a day in order to trade in your local disk space.

can be uploaded and downloaded to Wuala through the installed application or through your Web browser. When using Wuala o computer, a virtual drive will appear on your Desktop, which will resemble your other hard drives. Through this virtual drive, yo drag and drop files into the virtual drive as you normally would when transferring your data between local drives.

Wuala, you can automatically back up your data and sync your computers. By using the Wuala desktop application, you can set al at which your data is automatically backed up. Additionally, if you upload a file to Wuala, it will be made available on all of y enabled computers. These features are only available for paying subscribers, so free users will have to do all of their backing up ng manually.

Wuala users can use the sharing and collaboration tools within the application. Folders and files can be shared online and links to an be shared via email, instant messaging, and even social networks. When someone receives a link from you, they wont have to er for anything and they will be immediately taken to their file download. For collaboration purposes, you can create a user grou ccess to some of your data. Members of the group can modify files, provided they are given permission to do so, and they can als ment publicly on the stored files.

our security, all data is encrypted before it leaves your computer with 128-bit AES, 2048-bit RSA, and SHA-256 technologies. D o backed up and stored on multiple servers that are located in different geographic locations, which protects your data from being ged or lost due to a disaster at one of the data centers. Additionally, previous versions of all of your files are saved, which means cover deleted and overwritten data.

a is a user friendly online backup service that provides exceptional storage capabilities for individuals at very reasonable prices. ver, large businesses and people who require huge amounts of data storage may need to use a different service, such as a service

des unlimited data storage.


aDesk - NomaDesk is a European company that was founded in 2004. It provides affordable storage plans that will appeal to duals who are looking for personal file storage as well as businesses who need team storage.

aDesk currently offers two storage plans, which are called Personal Fileserver and Team Fileserver. Both plans can be tried out f or up to 30 days, and rather than charging for the amount of storage space required, a flat fee is charged for each plan and unlimi ge space is provided. Personal Fileserver is currently priced at $50 per year, while Team Fileserver is priced at $15 per month. ver, price breaks are available to individuals who wish to sign up for extended plan periods.

of the available plans offer unlimited storage and the ability to restore backup versions of all of your files. However, backups are d to the past seven days, which may not be adequate for many users, and may be especially inadequate for professional users. It ble to manually back up an unlimited number of file versions, though this will probably be far too time consuming for most users

e who subscribe to the Team Fileserver plan can sync an unlimited number of computers, while Personal Fileserver users can sy n up to three computers. This makes it easy to keep all of your files up to date on all of your computers without having to manua d files to each and every computer that you use or own.

boration is made easy with NomaDesk. You can invite people to join your Team Fileserver account at no extra cost right from th aDesk application. It is also possible to share specific files and folders publicly. With FileLink and FolderLink, you can send link data through the Web to anyone of your choosing and there are no file size restrictions placed on shared data.

omaDesk users can access their data from anywhere at any time via the online dashboard. It is also possible to upload data to yo e space by emailing files to your NomaDesk email address. Whenever a file is received, it will be placed in a special folder for yo w before it is added to your backed up files. iPhone and Blackberry users can also access NomaDesk through the MyNomaDesk e app. This gives mobile users the ability to access the online dashboard from their mobile devices and makes it possible to shar to files while on the go.

it comes to security, NomaDesk has got you covered. If your computer is ever compromised in any way due to theft or loss, for ple, you can remotely shred the virtual NomaDesk drive by accessing the Web portal on another computer. All of your files are a pted while they are stored on your hard drive and during transit via 256-bit SSL technology.

aDesk is a highly affordable online storage service that will appeal to many individuals who require personal or shared storage sp its low costs and unlimited amounts of data storage, every home computer user should consider using NomaDesk for their storag .

and coming online storage solutions

blaze - Backblaze is an online backup tool that is compatible with Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Mac OS X 10

nly $5 a month, users can store an unlimited amount of data online and are given access to every single feature of the service, ding automated backups, scheduled backups, file restoration, and the ability to sync multiple computers. To find out more about blaze, call 650-352-3738 or email salescontact@backblaze.com.

cuda Backup Service - Founded in 2003, Barracuda offers Backup Service as a hybrid approach to backing up your data. Data is d up locally on a Barracuda storage device and is then replicated at an offsite location. This service also offers redundant disk sp ge, access to data via a Web interface, and the ability to restore older files. For more information on Barracuda Backup Service, c ANTI-SPAM or email info@barracuda.com.

UP Motion - BackUP Motion is an online storage service based in Germany. They provide a number of storage plans that cost here from roughly $8 for a GB of storage space to up to $900 for a 1000 GB storage space. With this software, you can automati up your data according to a scheduled interval and you can even try it for free for up to 30 days. To learn more about BackUP on, email office@backupmotion.com or call +43-1-338-3380.

odo Backup - Comodo Backup offers online storage as well as collaboration tools. With this service, you can store your files onli ely, manage everything online, and create public discussion groups. File versioning is also available. For more information on odo Backup, call 1-888-266-6361 or email roundtheclock@comodo.com.

Plan - CrashPlan offers both free and paid for online backup services. The free plan is designed for personal use and automatical up all of your data on a daily basis. CrashPlanPRO offers continuous backups, speedy access, and the ability to create reports. A can be tried out for free for up to 30 days and the software is compatible with the Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris, and VMware ting systems. To learn more about CrashPlan, email sales@crashplan.com.

reserve - DataPreserve was founded in 2005 and offers online backup solutions for Mac, Windows, and Linux users. Its key feat de automated backups, scheduled backups, and Web based management and reporting tools. To find out more about DataPreserv 00-267-6006.

DataSafe - DataSafe is available from Dell, a company that was founded in 1984. It offers online protection for files, preventing t being lost or damaged due to natural disasters, fires, and theft. Files are also backed up automatically according to a set schedule me they are changed on your computer. Free storage is available for up to 2 GB of data and 100 GB can be purchased for $59 pe For more information on Dell DataSafe, call 1-866-795-5597.

hi Backup, formerly Fabrik Ultimate Backup - Fabrik Ultimate Backup was acquired by Hitachi and all new users will be subscr achi Backup as of 2010. Key features include the ability to automatically back up data online, restore data from within the cloud files and folders with anyone you desire. The first three GB of space are provided for free or 250 GB can be purchased for the lo f $49 per year. To learn more about Hitachi Backup, call 800-801-4618.

- Flickr was founded in 2004 and offers free photo sharing for all of its basic users. It also allows users to communicate with on er via comments upon photos and photos can be organized into galleries. With Flickr Pro, users can access unlimited amounts of ge space, access original files, and view the analytical data for their accounts. The Pro account is currently priced at $24.95 per y h is roughly $2 per month. To learn more about Flickr, visit http://www.flickr.com.

e Disk - Founded in 2007, Jungle Disk is commonly used in conjunction with Amazon S3 by many personal Web storage users. e Disk offers both personal and business storage solutions, with plans starting at $2 and $4 per month, respectively. Key features pplication include mobile device support, automatic backups, and file syncing across multiple computers. For more information e Disk, call 678-710-7745.

Vault - KeepVault was founded in 2005 and offers online backup services starting at $46 per year for 40 GB of space, going up t GB of space for $4460 per year. Key features include the ability to create local and online backups as well as Windows compatib arn more about KeepVault, email support@keepvault.com.

aFire - MediaFire was founded in 2006 and offers unlimited amounts of data uploads for all of its users as well as unlimited loads. Key features include an unlimited amount of storage space, direct file linking, and the ability to share very large files over et. To find out more about MediaFire, call 1-877-495-4275.

Upload - Mega Upload allows users to store all kinds of files online and access them at very high speeds. With free membership are given 200 GB of online storage space, support for resuming broken downloads, and the ability to share links to their files. W um membership, users can store an unlimited amount of data, have the highest download speed priority, and can enjoy reduced tising on the website. For more information on Mega Upload, visit http://www.megaupload.com.

opal - Memopal is an Italian-based online storage service that is compatible with both Windows and Mac machines. Key features de automatic backups, scheduled backups, secured data transfers and storage, and the ability protect multiple computers from dat a single user license. To find out more about Memopal, email info@memopal.com or call 1-800-277-4094.

a - Picasa is a free online photo managing tool from Google, which was founded in 1998. With Picasa, users can upload tons of s and organize them into photo albums and galleries that can be shared with others. Picasa also offers online photo editing tools ility to have your photos printed out by a professional service at a cost. To learn more about Picasa, visit http://picasa.google.co

Online Backup - SOS Online Backup was founded in 2001 and offers Web access to all of your stored files. It also allows you to five computers and store up to 50 GB of data for $79.95 per year or 100 GB of data for $99.95 per year. For more information o Online Backup, call 1-877-896-3611.

rOak - Founded in 2007, SpiderOak provides data backup services for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux users. A free storage pla ble for people who only require 2 GB of storage space. Users requiring 100 GB of space or more can purchase space in 100 GB ments at a cost of $10 per increment per month. Key features include automated backups, device synchronization, and file versio ies. To learn more about SpiderOak, email inquiry@spideroak.com.

ure - F-Secure offers online backup solutions starting at $49.99 annually for a single computer. Key features include unlimited ge space, automatic backups, and easy access to files through a personalized Web page. It is also possible to share files with frien y members, and coworkers. For more information on F-Secure, call 1-888-432-8233 or email sanjose@f-secure.com.

ntec Online Backup - Symantec was founded in 1982 and offers online backup solutions that are suitable for small and large esses. With this service, you can sync multiple computers and create automatic backups of all of your data. To learn more about ntec Online Backup, call 650-527-8000.

plicity - Syncplicity offers a range of plans for individuals and small businesses. Their free plan offers a single user access to 2 G ge space, while their Personal Edition plan offers a single user access to 50 GB of space for $15 per month. The Business Edition three users access to 50 GB of storage space for $45 per month. Key features include automated backups, file sharing, collabora and enhanced data security. For more information on Sycplicity, visit http://www.syncplicity.com.

tu One - Ubuntu One offers a free Basic package for online file storage that provides users with access to 2 GB of space and a W . The Mobile package makes it possible to access all of your data from a mobile device and prices start at $3.99 per month. To le

about Ubuntu One, visit http://www.one.ubuntu.com.

ends Vault2Cloud - Unitrends was founded in 1989 and offers Vault2Cloud as an online storage service that charges users based mount of storage space they use. Prices start at $0.49 per GB and key features include data recovery and a Web portal. For more mation on Unitrends Vault2Cloud, call 803-454-0300 or email sales@unitrends.com.

eStar Online Backup - UpdateStar offers users an unlimited amount of online storage space. It also provides users with automate ps, file recovery, and a free trial of the product can be downloaded. UpdateStar is currently compatible with Windows XP, Vista ows 7. To find out more about UpdateStar Online Backup, call +49-30-4303-4350 or email sales@updatestar.com.

ows Live Mesh - Live Mesh is available from Windows and fully integrates with the online Windows Live service. With Live M can access files and folders that have been stored on their computers remotely through the Windows Live interface. Folders can nced and computers can be updated simultaneously. To learn more about Windows Live Mesh, visit http://explore.live.com/wind mesh-devices-sync-upgrade-ui.

ows Live Sync - Windows Live Sync allows users to keep files up to date on both Macs and PCs. It is accessed through the free ows Live service and provides users with remote access to any computer that has Live Sync installed on it. For more information Windows Live Sync, visit http://sync.live.com/.

endIt - YouSendIt offers free and paid for plans to individuals and businesses who require online storage. The free plan provides with the ability to transfer large files, send files to others, and receive files via a personal dropbox. Paying subscribers can enjoy sed functionality and the ability to upload and send larger files. To learn more about YouSendIt, call 408-879-9118

Drive - ZumoDrive is offered by Zector, which was founded in 2007. It allows Mac users to easily sync data across multiple dev hare files and folders via email and generated file links. It also offers mobile access to iPhone users and a free plan is available fo who require only 2 GB of storage space or less. To find out more about ZumoDrive, visit http://www.zumodrive.com.

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