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April 19, 2012 Assignment 6 & Solution: Microelectronics-I Note: These problems are from the chapter 10 of text

book Fundamentals of Microelectronics by Razavi. Q1. (10.20) In the circuit of Fig. 1, the small-signal transconductance

of Q2 falls as Vin1 Vin2 rises because IC2 decreases. Using the equation given below, determine the input difference at which the transconductance of Q2 drops by a factor of 2.
. Eq. 1.

Fig. 1 Fig 2 Q2. (10.30) Consider the circuit shown in Fig. 2, where IEE = 2 mA, VA,n = 5 V, VA,p = 4 V. What value of R1 = R2 allows a voltage gain of 50? Q3. (10.52) Calculate the differential voltage gain of the circuits depicted in Fig. 3. Assume perfect symmetry and > 0.

Fig 4

Q4. (10.64) A student adventurously modifies a CMOS telescopic cascode as shown in Fig. 4, where the PMOS cascode transistors are replaced with NMOS devices. Assuming > 0, compute the voltage gain of the circuit. (Hint: the impedance seen looking into the source of M5 or M6 is not equal to 1/gm||rO.) Q5. (10.70): Compute the common-mode rejection ratio of the stages illustrated in Fig. 5 and compare the results. For simplicity, neglect channel-length modulation in M1 and M2 but not in other transistors. Fig 5

Fig. 5

Solution: Q1:






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