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ASSIGNMENTS BAJM 1st Semester, Spring Drive-2012 Subject Name: BAJM English Literature I Subject code: BJ0030 4 credits

its (60 marks) (BKID: 1027) Set 1

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q1. Trace the growth and development of short stories. Q2. Explain the concept of theme in a story. Q3. Explain the meaning and nature of crime stories. Q4. Explain the symbolic significance of the story A Flowering Tree. Q5. Make a study of the short story writer RK Narayan in the pattern given below: - Biography - Works and themes - Style and salient feature - One major story of RK Narayan Q6. Write a note on Fables of India with examples.

ASSIGNMENTS BAJM 1st Semester, Spring Drive-2012 Subject Name: BAJM English Literature I Subject code: BJ0030 4 credits (60 marks) (BKID: 1027) Set 2

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q1. Write a note on the themes of Mulk Raj Anands short stories. Q2. How did Jim and Della live before they exchanged their Christmas gifts in the story The Gift of the Magi? Q3. How has Addison brought out the theme of death in his essay Reflections in Westminster Abbey? Q4. Do you agree with the view that Charles Lamb is the Prince among essayists? Q5. Trace the origin and development of the English essay. Q6. Write an essay in not more than 300 words on the topic How films influence our life from our wardrobe to our attitude towards issues/ people/ relationships/ society etc.

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