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Problem Definition Currently the Appraisal and performance evaluation for staff and faculty is done manually in TAPMI.

For faculty: Dean Academics and Director are in charge of appraisal and review. For Staff: Dean Administration and Manager Admin and Finance are in charge.

Initially, before the academic year begins, the goals with appropriate weightages are set and communicated to the faculty. At the end of academic year, a predefined form is provided to the faculty where they can list down their performance against the performance appraisal metrics (no. credits taken, no. of research papers published etc.). Then it is reviewed by the appraiser. Appraisal is done annually. Similar procedure is followed for staff with Dean Administration being the appraiser for them. Problems Currently all the processes are manual All are paper based and the previous performance appraisal reports difficult to retrieve Difficult for the appraiser (Dean Acad and Director) to get an overall picture of performance Appraisal process is a lengthy and time consuming requiring all the travel and movement of data and forms

Stakeholders Faculty Director/ Dean Academics Staff (Level A) Staff (Level B) Dean Administration Manager Administration and Finance

Proposed system We propose an automated system which can convert the entire appraisal process into online one. The system will have one database which will contain the appraisal information of all the employees of all years. The appraiser will set the goals for appraisees in the beginning of the academic year which will be seen and signed off by appraisees. At the end of the year, appraisees will fill self-evaluated appraisal form. This is verified and modified by appraiser. The modified evaluation is checked by the appraisee, any conflicts discussed over the phone or meet and signed off by him. The database can be accessed by appraiser to see the performance report of all appraisees or by the appraisee to access his performance reports over the years.

Appraisal System Use case

Appraisal system DFD level 1

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