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Hindustan Zinc Limited

Vision Mission Values

Be the world's largest and most admired Zinc-Lead & Silver Company Mission Enhance stakeholders value through exploration, innovation, operational excellence and sustainability Be a globally lowest cost producer Maintain market leadership and customer delight Values Entrepreneurship Growth Excellence Trust Sustainability

Honest and ethical conduct, the ethical handling of conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships. Full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure of reports and documents that Hindustan Zinc Limited files with or submits to relevant authorities, and in other public communications.

Ethical Practices
Compliance with applicable government laws, rules and regulations. Prompt internal reporting to the appropriate person or persons identified in this Code. Accountability for adherence to this Code. Strict adherence to the provisions of this Code is a condition of employment.

Corporate Social Responsibility

They are committed to raise the quality of life and social well-being of communities where they operate and beyond. Broad areas of development are: Social investmenthealth, education and livelihood.

Bio investment-water harvesting ,agriculture, and social forestry. Environment conservation The company believes as the business grows the responsibility towards csr also grows. The various CSR projects undertaken are: Vedanta bal chetna anganwadi projectproviding nutrition value to underpriviliged childern.

CSR Activitys
Education- Imparting quality educationintroducing computer education. Mid day meal program-providing hot nutritious mid day meal to real school childern. Youth training programs-entrepreneur development through vocational training. Self help group-bringing socio economic empowerment in rural women. Water and sanitation-safe drinking water and sanitation facilities.

Corporate Governance
The company is directed and controlled by a systematic process to enhance the wealth generating capacities. The Governance process should ensure optimum utilisation of resources to meet the aspirations of the stakeholder's aspirations and expectations of the society. The company remained resolute in the commitment to conduct business in accordance with the highest ethical standards and the soundest corporate governance practices. The Company strongly believes in achieving the objectives of enhanced shareholder's value and increased stakeholder's interest through good corporate governance. The Company has set up a three tier governance structure, which helps it in strategic decision making, operations and project implementation:

Corporate Governance
Strategic Supervision: The Board of Directors exercises overall strategic supervision to lay down strategic goals, major expansion projects, capital expenditure and business plan approvals which ensure that the Company is focused on fulfilling shareholder aspirations; Operation Management and Control: The Business Management Group comprises of functional heads and unit/plant heads steered by the COO and the CFO. It handles management and coordination through regular reviews and meetings with the objective to seek continuous improvements in the working of the Company and to harness potential. Plant/ Unit Executive Management: comprising of several strategic business units (SBUs) for overall execution and empowerment through decentralized decision making. In India, corporate governance standards for listed companies are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) through Clause 49 of the listing agreement of the Stock Exchanges. Hindustan Zinc Limited has adopted practices mandated in Clause 49 and has established procedures and systems that comply with it completely.

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