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Input lau cu mu

Keyboard mouse


Pointing device which is used to open perti cular folder Track ball mouse Lasure mouse

Scanner it is used to save the data in the form of image itused to play the games Cpu it the hurt of the computer it cosist of amu alu is used to perfom arithe matic opration logical

Cu control the system that action perform by user Mu memory is the storage area which is used to store information

2 types
Rom read only memory just wecan view the data
is the permanent memory

Ram randam axes memory used to read and store

Bites 1 bt=0,1 1kb=1024 1mb 1024 kb 1gb=1024mb 1t=1024gb

temporary memory

Kb<mb<gb<tb<zb zeta bite Out put

Monitor led lcd liquied crystal display led light Spekars printer project

Laser internet center Internet atm d/m aps scr speed reliability accuracy

operating system: it is the inter space between user and hard ware part of the system
hardwear physical component of thesystem soft weare logical part of the system
usb:universal cerial bus bus is the collection of wires or cable ups;un iteraped power supply mother board :each and every component connected to mother board capacitors resisters ,

snps (switch mode power supply)

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