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Skin effect is defined as the tendency of AC current to concentrate near

the surface of a conductor. -------------------------------------------The reason of this phenomenon | The skin effect is caused by the self-inductance of the conductor, which causes an increase in the inductive reactance at high frequencies. -------------------------------------------The effect of this phenomenon | This effectively limits the cross-sectional conductor area available to carry alternating electron flow, increasing the resistance of that conductor. -------------------------------------------Skin Effect depend on | 1- Frequency of the supply => Skin effect increase with the increase of frequency 2- Area of conductor => Skin effect increase with the increase of area 3- Shape of conductor => Skin effect is much smaller with stranded conductors than with solid conductors. Note | Skin Effect is absent in Direct Current (DC).

Ferranti effect is defined as the rise in voltage at the receiving end of

the open circuited or lightly load.

The capacitance is negligible in short line. Therefore this phenomenon occurs in medium and long transmission line. -----------------------------------------------The reason of this phenomenon | The inductance and capacitance of the line. => Inductance causes a voltage drop on it => Capacitance causes charging current flowing through it -----------------------------------------------Rise in voltage depend on | => Formula : Vs-Vr = [ w^2 * L^2 * Vr * 10^-10 / 18 ] Volts => Length of the line "L". => Magnitude of the received voltage "Vr". => Assume Constant Frequency = 50 or 60 HZ. => where w=2*Pi*f -----------------------------------------------Note | In a 300 Km transmission line (50 HZ), the rise in voltage is 5 %, i.e " Vs-Vr = 5% ".

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