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Hope Community Bible Church


January 6, 2013 Welcome to our Church

Worship Service

Doxology: Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Opening Prayer Announcements Offertory/Offering Hymn Hymn Memory Verse 52 335

1 Corinthians 1:18 (KJV) For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
Special Music Hymn 133 Kinder Church Dismissed: Nursery thru Kindergarten

Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 13:1-9 Message: SEPARATION FROM FOREIGNERS Communion Hymn 217


Please turn off all Cell Phones Evening Service 6:00 pm, All are welcomed and invited to attend, Monday 5:30 pm JOY Club - 7:00 pm, Mens Prayer Group Wednesday

ANNUAL CHURCH BUSINESS MEETING: January 9th at 7:00 pm. All are Welcome.

MENS BREAKFAST: Saturday, January 12th at 8:00 am, Food Sign-up Sheet in back entry. SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE SUNDAY: Sunday, January 20th. LADIES FELLOWSHIP & BIBLE STUDY: Tuesday, January 29th at 7:00 pm. Ladies, see Debbi for your books ($5.00 ea.)

Greeter/Ushers: Evening Offering: Oil Fund Church Cleaners: Farleys Nursery/Kinder Church: Sue 2

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