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Environmental information system: Dissemination and reception of information about various aspects of Environment for a better management, is called

as Environmental Information Exchange and the system employed for it is known as Environmental Information (exchange) System. The word Surveillance in French, literally means watching over. The term is often used for all forms of observations or monitoring, not just the visual observation. This word is commonly used to describe observation from distance by means of electronic equipments or by other technological means like remote sensing satellite. In general terms, the scientific practice of surveying, observing,, testing and evaluation of Environmental Quality is called as Environmental Surveillance. It includes observation, sampling, testing, and decision making regarding the actual status of the environment of a particular area. Different governments across the globe have well developed networks of information exchange and surveillance that work under their Environmental Management Systems. The Government of India has established Environmental Information (ENVIS) Centre in different parts of the country. These centres ensure the integration of National efforts in the collection of environmental information, collation, storage, retrieval, and dissemination to concerned persons, institutes and research stations. ENVIS centre have been set up in areas of pollution control, toxic chemicals, Central and Offshore Ecology, Environmentally sound and appropriate technology, bio-degradation of waste and management etc. The ENVIScentre collect information regarding various aspects of environmental management and keep a data-base for ready reference. The data received from these centre are used for preserving, promoting and protecting the environment. These data are also used in predicting environmental conditions and for making further programmes towards better management of the environment. The ENVIS- information centers are linked together to form a complete system for exchange and communication of environmental information.

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