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1) Generate random number with MS Excel: =RANDBETWEEN(1,107) (E.g.

formula requests for one number to be generated from 1 to 107) 2) Generate random number with free random number software & website: Typical audit cycles completion period/days required IT General Controls (Admin / Backup / Virus / Security / Physical Controls / User rights / Maintenance) (2 days) Workplace Safety Management, Facilities maintenance, Design & Services, Production & QC (2-3 days) Contracts & Payroll, Fixed Assets, Cash, Production & Manufacturing, IT Audit, Interested Person Transactions (3 days) Inventory, Sales with credit control, Procurement with purchases, Project Management (4 days) How to print a range of pages in a multiple-section document in Word To print a range of pages across sections, use the following syntax in the Pages box: PageNumberSectionNumber-PageNumberSectionNumber i.e. p1sxx p2sxx (check header/footer for info) Using the Review function of Word 2007 Using Formula to calculate difference with text/numbers in Excel 2007 I.e. ="S312"&TEXT(RIGHT(B4,4)-1,"0000") Where S312 represents characters to be ignored and B4 is cell location. 4 is number of digits and 0000 Using Formula to calculate difference with text/numbers in Excel 2007 Click on the Header of the Word Document, click Page Layout Using different headers & footers for Word 2007 (use Link to Previous: effect) Using different page numbers for Word 2007 (Insert page number Watermark Custom Watermarks

Format page number)

Using header rows in a table for Word 2007 (Format the rows required to be repeated Click on layout tab click Repeat Header Rows) MOM Guidelines: Employment Act Right click Adjust List Indent Refer to the settings at the right

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