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Socialist Party does not go to full Discussion where Local Economic Adjustment P lan The City of Regrets Torrijos

on laying Socialist Group Responsibilities to no wh ere to go to a full struggled the Municipal Economic Adjustment Plan Toledo, Spain, January 05, 2013.- In the Extraordinary Plenary Urgent Thursday a t 20:00 to discuss the points were on the one hand information regarding the rel ationship of payment obligations to December 31, 2011, ie pending bills payments to suppliers, almost all torrijeos, amounting to 787,000 and thanks to the line promoted by the Government of Spain these amounts will be settled soon. The other point at issue was the approval of the Plan of Adjustment to allow the Municipality of Torrijos return this sum advanced by the state without having t o make any cuts since municipal intervention as the income generating capacity o f the council itself permits without increasing the tax burden on citizens. Given the importance of the items to be discussed at any time since unanimity is expected that representatives of the Socialist Group have been informed by the City during the week of the two points so that they could even make contribution s. The Socialist Group's response to the importance of full Extrordinario Urgent ha s been its no presence. All councilors of the Popular Party came to his seat and the absence of all councilors was an outcry and the torrijeos while attending th e plenary hall to attend a meeting of the highest body of no municipal represent ation were amazed at such disrespect for all torrijeos. Disrespect is the only expression that can explain this absence as evidenced by the "photo of shame". Nobody criticizes the PSOE has supported the general strik e but as elected representatives of all torrijeos, all of them without exception have failed in their duty. The Socialist Municipal Group is formed by eight coun cilors who have decided to join a voluntary bid and respecting what your underst anding particularly want to do as workers, but as representatives of civil socie ty torrijea have broken his promise on 11 June 2011 to fill the office of council or to defend the interests of torrijeos. contact: Media Relations Media Relations Value-Optimized Solutions, Inc. 441 Santaluz Path Austin, TX 78732 208-585-7344

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