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Mayor Thmcher W. Ktzet III (971) 318-1121 Chy Hall. 62 Frknd Slreei Fax: (971) 38M727

Amesbury, MA 0I913<2184

December 14.2012

Residents of Amesbury,

We are all saddened by the tragic events in Newtown Connecticut Our hearts go out to the families and the entire community for those who have suffered such a senseless loss of innocent, precious lives. Today, on this sorrow filled day, we met with Superintendent of Schools Michele Robinson to again review our safety procedures and to rcafilnn our vigilance for safety in our schools. We have worked hard to secure our schools, and remain committed to ensuring we employ the most up-to-date practices as we endeavor to provide a safe school environment for our students and

No one can make any place perfectly safe from those who are determined to do harm. Despite that, our city and the school officials work closely together, on a regular basis, to take all the actions necessary to ensure our children are safe in our schools. Our public safety and school

department personnel work in concert to secure our schools and to train to respond for what we hope never happens.

We expect that many parents will have questions and want to be reassured of our efforts to keep our schools safe. Therefore, we have scheduled a brief presentation at our School Committee
provide a brief overview and entertain questions regarding our efforts to keep our schools, and

meeting at the Amesbury High School Library this Tuesday, December 18*, at 7:00 PM. We will
your children safe. We will have pubic safety and school personnel to answer any questions you may have. Please join us or tune in to Amesbury Cbmmunity Television on Comcast, channel 18
or via the Internet at


Thatcher W. Kezcr 111 Mark Gagnon

Mayor Chief of



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