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Tests Grammar


Name: __________________ Unit 12

Write the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses.

Im sure Ill get a raise next month. If I 1 ________ (get) that raise, I 2 ________ (buy) a new car. If I were you, I 3 ________ (take) a vacation. I wish I 4 ________ (have) time. I cant take any time off. Actually, I wish I 5 ________ (can) visit my mother.


Write words or phrases from the box.

could help you earned more money find the perfect man was good-looking whos an executive A B A B A B I wish I could 1 ____________. Whats wrong with your boyfriend? I wish he 2 ____________. We cant do anything on his salary. Whats perfect for you? Id like to meet someone 3 ____________ in a large company. If he 4 ____________, it would be better. I wish I 5 ____________, but I dont know any executives. My cousin Bob is an accountant.


III Circle the correct words or phrases. In order to have good quality of life, its necessary to 1 balance / weigh work and leisure. However, many women find themselves with more work and less time for leisure. They work at full-time jobs all day, and then in the evening, when people used to have free time, they have to 2 make / do all the housework. Many men also are 3 wealthy / stressed since they work all week and then have to help with 4 mess / childcare and 5 make / do home repairs on the weekends.

Listening Comprehension

IV [Track 39] Listen to these people talking. Match the person with the question he/she was answering. Write the numbers 15. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ How often do you exercise? If money were no object, where would you like to travel? What one thing about your home would you like to change? What would you say was your biggest problem at the moment? Whats your least attractive feature?


Level 3 Unit 12 1 of 1

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