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The Constructivism

Te or i H ub ung a n In te rn a si on a l K ul iah 10 Pe ng a ja r: An dre Ardi

Wednesday, December 12, 12

Three different forms of constructivism: systemic, unitlevel and holistic constructivism


Focusing solely on interactions bet ween unitary state actors. Everything that exists or occurs within the domestic political realm is ignored, and an account of world politics is derived simply by theorizing how states relate to one another.



Concentrate on the relationship bet ween domestic social and legal norms and the identities and interests of states

seek to bridge the t wo domains. To accommodate the entire range of factors conditioning the identities and interests of states, they bring the corporate and the social together into a unified analytical perspective that treats the domestic and the international

Wednesday, December 12, 12

The Contribution of Constructivism

#1. By re-imagining the social as a constitutive realm of values, identities and interests, constructivists have placed sociological inquiry back at the centre of the discipline.

#2. the rise of constructivism has also sparked a renewed interest in international history. #3. constructivism may be credited with helping to re-invigorate normative theorizing in International Relations
Wednesday, December 12, 12

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