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A POEM TO MY TEACHER Here we sit Hearing you Explaining the lessons With love and with dream, Although

you may not realize it But I can I know your desire to lead us With your blessed hand Into an unseen life bridge Teacher The day may be dark But youll not Cause you yourself Is an unshaped light Holding our hands Befriending us Through this darkness And here we wait Teacher, We may have done too much fault Especially to the person Befriending us till now Without feeling dejected Especially to you We might have disappointed you We might have lied to you And we might never think of you But you You wait us with smile Saying its all done And asking us to face the future Nobody would be The very best guide Id ever met Like you Teacher The road is almost finished Soon, sun will come But Ill never forget Id ever seen a much more brighter light from you The one guiding us with love To reach his own dream Hes my teacher

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