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Nutritional consequences of prolong fasting.

Keto Acidosis. This is a metabolic condition that arises from prolong fasting. High glucagon levels during fasting activates hormone sensitive lipase and deactivates lipoprotein lipase. This increase the availability of FFA for oxidation to produce energy. The end product of this oxidation in the liver is ketone bodies. Ketone bodies can be used by the brain to produce energy. However in the late stages of prolong fasting the excess ketone can lead to acidosis.

Undernutrition In prolong fasting energy intake is way lower than energy expenditure. The energy in take may even be as low as zero. With no or low caloric or nutritional intake the body doesnt get enough energy or nutrients to function properly. This can lead to kwashiorkar or marasmus, anemia, impairment of liver function, kidney stones, mineral imbalances, and other undesirable side effects.

Diminished Immune System Function People with certain forms of cancer or those that are pregnant or nursing should not fast unless directed to do so by a medical professional. Fasting deprives the body of some of the most essential vitamins and nutrients. Depriving the body of certain foods or drinks or all food and drink can cause damage to the organs and prevent proper function of the immune system, making the body more susceptible to illness.

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