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1).Measurement n scalingMeasurement is fundamental in business research. Measurement involves assigning numbers to variable acc. to certain rules.

Scale is a measurement tool that can be discrete/ continuous. Discrete can measure only the direction of the response. Continuous can measure the direction as well as intensity.

2). Non parametric TestsIn it free statistics are used. It is used wheni)The assumption of a normal distribution is not possible. ii)The data are measured using ordinal or nominal scale. TestsKolmogorov-smironov 1 sample test, Kolmogorov- smironov 2 sample test, Mann-whitney U test, Sign test, Mc Nemar test

3).Multivariate TestsIn it 2 or more variable are analysed at a time. i)Are gender and work type related,in our office. ii)Is usage of internet related to educational levels. iii)Is brand awareness related to geographic area in which individual live.

4) Experimental designs have following symbolsExperimental design - An experimental design is a procedure for devising an experimental setting such that a change in a dependent variable may be attributed solely to the change in an independent

variable. Pretest - When a measurement of the dependent variable is taken prior to changing the independent variable, the measurement is Chapter 5 - Burns & Bush Marketing Research 4 th Edition sometimes called a pretest. Posttest - When a measurement of the dependent variable is taken after changing the independent variable, the measurement is sometimes called a posttest. True experimental design - A true experimental design is one that truly isolates the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable while controlling for effects of any extraneous variables.

5) Reliability n validityreliability refers to the consistency of a measure. A measure is said to have a high reliability if it produces consistent results under consistent conditions. For example, measurements of peoples height [1] and weight are often extremely reliable.

While reliability does not imply validity, a lack of reliability does place a limit on a tests overall validity. A test that is not perfectly reliable cannot be perfectly valid, either as a means of measuring attributes of a person or as a means of predicting scores on a criterion. While a reliable test may provide useful valid [3] information, a test that is not reliable cannot possibly be valid.

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