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Working Towards Level 1a

Maths targets for ________________________________________________ Date set Target

Solving Problems

1st star

2nd star

3rd star

4th star

5th star

Date Achieved

I can respond to What could we try next? I can talk about patterns I have noticed.

I can copy and continue a simple pattern of numbers.


I can begin to know some addition facts. I can add and subtract numbers when solving problems involving up to 10 objects in a range of contexts. I can understand that addition can be done in any order. I know number bonds to tens.
Counting and understanding number

I can count, read and order number from 0 to 20. I can write the numbers 0 to 10. I can recognize 0 as None or Zero in context. I can count on and back in twos from zero. I can halve an even number of objects.

I can find objects that are longer/shorter than a metre, heavier/lighter than 500 grams, hold more/less than 1 litre. I can read the time on an analogue clock at the hour and begin to know the half hour.
Shape and Space

I can sort and describe 3D and 2D shapes in terms of properties and position.

I can recognize simple directional symbols such as arrows. I can recognizes and name 3D shapes.
Handling Data

I can sort objects, pictures justifying the decisions I have made. I can sort objects into a given large scale Venn or Carroll diagram. I can use objects/pictures to create simple block graphs. I can talk about how I have represented my work.

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