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Working Towards Level 1c

Maths targets for ________________________________________________ Date set Target

Solving Problems

1st star

2nd star

3rd star

4th star

5th star

Date Achieved

I can make patterns and pictures with 2D shapes. I can use Maths in role-play, with support. I can respond to questions about my work.


I can understand addition as finding the total of two or more sets of objects. I can understand subtraction as taking away objects from a set and finding how many are left. I can record work with diagrams or pictures.

Counting and understanding number

I can attempt to record numbers up to 10. I can count reliably up to 10 objects. I can order numbers to 10.

I can Compare lengths or masses directly and put them in order.

Shape and Space

I can recognize and name 2D shapes.

Handling Data

I can respond to questions about how I have sorted objects and why each object belongs in a set. I can use the objects I have sorted as a record.

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