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Working Towards Level 5a

Maths targets for ________________________________________________ Date set Target 1st star 2nd star 3rd star 4th star 5th star Date Achieved

Solving Problems I can with increasing independence, persevere with longer and more complex problems, using a range of strategies. I can present and interpret solutions in the context of problems, being precise in the use of language, notation and diagrams. I can begin to justify simple mathematical statements by drawing upon previous knowledge. Calculations I can consolidate and extend mental methods of calculation include decimals, fractions and percentages. I understand and use appropriate methods to solve problems that involve multiplying and dividing any 3-digit number by any 2-digit number. I can solve division problems including those with mixed number answers and divide integers by decimals. I can use the context of the problem check whether the answer is sensible.

I can check by considering whether it is of the right order of magnitude and by working the problem backwards. I can begin to identify a formula to represent a sequence of numbers. I can use a formula to solve a problem. I can begin to use symbols to describe the rule for the next term of a linear sequence. I can generate and use pairs of coordinates that satisfy a simple linear relationship. Numbers and the number system I can use my understanding of place value to multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by any power of 10. I can begin to add and subtract positive and negative numbers out of context. I can calculate simple fractional parts or percentages of quantities and measurements, using a calculator where appropriate. I can solve simple problems involving ration and direct proportion using the unitary method where appropriate. Measures

Space and Shape I recognise where a shape will be after reflection in two mirror lines at right angles (side of shape not all parallel or perpendicular to the mirror line) I recognise the order of rotational symmetry in simple contexts.

Handling Data I can confidently compare two or more pie charts that represent different totals. I can compare two simple distributions independently, using the range and one of mode, median or mean. I can discuss a probability experiment using mathematical language and know the effect of increasing the number of trials.

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