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This INCLUSIVE Social Skills group focuses on teaching a variety of social skills to help improve friendship making skills,

develop more self-confidence, and behave more appropriately. Role playing, group interactions and cooperative play will give children opportunities to practice these skills during the group session.

Social skills groups are beneficial for children who have:

Issues with separations and independence difficulty making and keeping friends Misinterpret social cues and scare away potential friends. Feel rejected by peers and dont know why. Debilitating shyness Difficulty sharing and taking turns. ADHD PDD-NOS Autism Spectrum Disorder Aspergers Disorder
Ages 2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 Children are grouped by age and developmental level. Group meets once a week Groups are limited to 6 children. Required parent meetings at the initial and final sessions to provide feedback and recommendations. Parents will receive individualized feedback on their childs(rens) progress in the group.

SUNDAY MORNING (Beginning on January 20th) 9:00 AM 9:45 AM, 10:00 AM 10:45 AM
Parent Information Session and Registration 1:1 Parent Meetings require

Yael Omer Behavior Analyst, M.A Special Education. She has over 12 years experience working with children on the Autism spectrum and typical development children in all ages. Nicole Humphries B.A Behavioral Science. She has over 10 years experience working with children on the Autism spectrum and other developmental disabilities. She has practiced in many trainings including: Jed Baker's Social Skills training and Alpine Learning groups.

For More information: A Bright Start to a Shining Future, LLC Yael:, 201-788-0445 Nicole:, 908-285-2300 Website at:

ROMPAROO 537 Park Avenue. Hoboken, NJ, 07030.

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