Balanced Diet Using XP Practices

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Diet using XP Prac2ces

-Rashmi Devarahalli

1. XP Prac2ces applied to Cooking
User stories Informa2ve workspace Incremental design Pair Cooking

2. Conclusion 3. Q&A

User stories
1. Capture user requirements as stories. 2. Es2mate using story points. 3. Dont forget Quality aKributes(NFRs) As a user, I want calcium rich diet , for stronger bones and teeth

Informa2ve workspace
1. Plan on the wall as per story point 2. Achieve Balanced diet. 3. Eliminate everyday decision making Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Quick High High High Indulge a Lengthy Vegetabl
es but healthy food Protein (Tofu) Calcium carbohyd bit rates (Pizza?) Recipe

Incremental design
1. Con2nuous improvement 2. Consider User feedback 3. Reect on Time and Quality

Pair Cooking
1. Faster Execu2on 2. BeKer Quality 3. Shared responsibility

Saves 2me and you will be healthy Try it!!!

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