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The entering of the LSSP in to a coalition in 1964 underscores the bankruptcy of syndicalism.

LSSP joined the coalition in 1964 in betraying the powerful 21demandstruggle that united almost all sections of the working class in the island. But this movement organised on the basis of pressuring the government to achieve its demands. The radicalisation of the Sinhala speaking urban working class as well as the Tamil speaking estate workers create a crisis for the bourgeois rule. But how militant the struggle was, trade unions did not have an answer to the betrayal of the LSSP. This brought forward the bankruptcy of the trade unionism. Working class could not advance their interest through negotiations with bourgeois government. Even to defend their rights, workers should mobilize against the capitalist system on a basis of the revolutionary program. This pressure is not just limited to Sri Lanka. The syndicalist pressure on the ICFI was shown in backsliding by the French section of the ICFI, OCI by 1968. The student protests and the subsequent general strike by 10 million strong working class paralyzed France with workers occupying key factories in basic It transformed the policy of the united front from a tactic used in the struggle mobilisation of the working class into a primary programmatic principle. Trotsky's warned In any case, the policy of the united front cannot serve as a program for a revolutionary party.

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