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Determination of Wavelength of light using a diffraction Grating

Apparatus: Diffraction grating, laser source and Meter scale Theory: Let the parallel beam of light of wavelength coming from laser source fall normally on a plane transmission diffraction grating placed with the lines parallel to the slit. If is the angle of diffraction of the nth primary maxima and N number of lines per cm ruled on the grating then sin = (i ) kN When N is known, the wavelength of laser source can be determined from equation (i) by measuring for a particular order of the spectrum. Procedure: Place the laser source in front of the diffraction grating and switch it on. Diffraction pattern can be seen on the meter scale, acting as the screen, placed at a distance D. The pattern consists of a bright central maxima and number of secondary maxima on either side of the central maxima. Note the position of the central maxima, 1st 2nd 3rd order secondary maxima on the scale. Measure the distance between the diffraction grating and the screen with the help of a scale (i.e., meter scale). Hence calculate the value of wavelength of laser source. Experimental Results: Table 1 Determination of the wavelength of laser source Distance between the plane transmission grating and the scale D = ____ cm N = 7500 lines/inch = _________ lines/cm Position Order Scale reading of the no. for the central diffracted maxima k images at on the Left Right scale (cm) Difference between central and left image reading (=x cm) Difference between central and right image reading (=y cm) Average Sin= sin = 2 distance of kN d diffracted 2 2 D +d images from central maxima d=(x+y)/2

Table 2 Determination of the N of an unknown gating Distance between the plane transmission grating and the scale D = ____ cm Wavelength of laser light = _______ nm (from table 1) Position Order Scale reading Difference Difference of the no. for the between between central diffracted central central maxima k images at and left and right on the image Left Right image scale (cm) reading reading (=x cm) (=y cm)

Average Sin= sin N= 2 distance of k d diffracted 2 2 D +d images from central maxima d=(x+y)/2

Results: Wavelength of laser light = _______ nm N of an unknown grating =________ lines/inch

Error Calculations:

d dd DD = + 2 + 2 2 d d +D d + D2
where, d = D=20.1cm [because to get a particular distance we take two readings on the scale]

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