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Jordan University of science and technology Faculty of Dentistry

Midterm Questions
( Oral Pathology, Research, Conservative, Dental Material, Prosthodontics and Epidemiology)

Written by: Batch of 2009

Collected by : Majd Hidmi Designed by : Sanaa Qasem

Price : 0.40 JD


Midterm Exams Questions: 2009

Q1 : the abnoramality which Radicular Cyst is accociated with is : A. dilaceration B. taurodontism C. dense invaginatus D. concrescence ans >> C. Q2 : pulp obturation are associated with: ans : dentinogenesis imperfecta and dentin dysplasia type 2 Q3 : Neoplastic transformation is more likely to be seen in association with: a- Odontogenic keratocyst b- Glandular odontogenic cyst c- Dentigerous cyst d- Radicular cyst e- Lateral periodontal cyst Ans: c Q4 : lymphangioma macroglossia is a : Ans : secondary (tumors)

Q5 : tappered tooth structure is in Ans :amelogenesis imperfecta hypoplastic smooth patteren

Q6 : what the diseas that becuses keratin k4 o k13 ? ans : white sponge nevus .

Midterm Exams Questions: 2009

Q7 : Which tooth is affected in cellulitis ? A- first molar B- first premolar C- 2nd premolar D- canine answear is A

Research Methods
(written by : Ali Wattad )

Q1 :

if the probability that the association could have occured by chance is 0.02? answer: null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted. Q2 : an intervention works in research setting? answer: efficacy . Q3 : not included in the criterion of the research? a> chose a question that it answer is not frustrated. B> a research that is puplished quickly. C> a question that has an impact on health. d> prior experience(...) answer : a or b (not sure) Q4 : a process tending to produce results that depart systemically frm the true values is? answer: bias.

Midterm Exams Questions: 2009

Q5 : applying the research results on a sample of patients being studied is called? answer: internal validity. Q6 : when the investigator and the subject know nothing about group assignment, this is called? answer: double blinded. Q7 : In randomized studies, efficacy and effectiveness are the same true or false? false. Q8 : which is not true about randomized study: a>can eliminate confounding and bias. B>more generalizability C> slower to conduct. D>cannot answer a broad range of questions. answer is: B Q9 dr.ashraf shawesh is doing a research about (oral tori !!) and he is taking patients wherever he can find them. this is called? answer: grab sample. Q10 : a researcher is doing a research about prevelance of caries in governmental schools, he invited only 200 student from private school, this is called? answer: selection bias.

Midterm Exams Questions: 2009

Q1 : the angle between the pulpal floor and the axial walll called .... Ans : pulpoaxial line angle Q2 : removal of any remaining infected dentin is included in which stage or step ..... Ans : final tooth preparation stage Q3 : the lathe cut amalgum need.... condensing .. and in need ... mercury>>>>> answer .. more , more Q4 : which of the following factors that affect cavity preparation related to selection of restorative material >> Ans : two of them are .. patients age ..thickness of enamel and dentin .. Q5 : Increment applied of amalgam in the cavity by thickness of ... to do effective condensation A. 3.0 mm B. 2.0 C. 1.0 D. 1.5 I put it >>> C. Q6 : there is a question about high copper amalgam compared to the conventional amalgam which statement is wrong Answer >> High copper amalgam have inferior resistance to discoloration corrosion ,break down .creep compared to conventional amalgam

Midterm Exams Questions: 2009

Q7 : according to black's classification of cavities Class 1 cavity is : A. including occlusal pit and fissure of the posterior teeth B. including palatal and buccal extension\or buccal and palatal pits C. .. D. . the answer >> A and B Q8 : MOD is Considered a class 2 cavity , MO is Considered a complex cavity A. two statement are false B. two statement are true C. first statement is true , the second is false D. first statement is false , the second is true answer >> C. Q9 : which is true about restorative material factors that affect tooth preparation : A. the thickness of enamel and dentin B. age of the patient C. ability of isolating operating field D. the extension of the caries Answer is >> C and D Q10 : which is true about primary resistance form of tooth preparation: A. the shape of the conventional preparation that resist displacement or removal of the restoration from tipping or lifting forces B. Keep the cavity as small as possible C. Rounded well-defined internal line angle D. depend on the restorative material Answer >>> B. and C.

Midterm Exams Questions: 2009

Q11 : the correct position of the wedge in Class 1 cavity : A. placed in the wider embrasure B. in the lingual embrasure C. in the buccal embrasure D. Class 1 cavity does not need wedge answer >> D. Q12 : which one of these is not a hand cutting instrument : A. Gingival Marginal trimmer B. Amalgam condenser C. Spoon excavator D.Enamel Hatchet Answer >> B. Q13 : Most popular matrix band: Ans : Type 1 Q14 : Best amalgan depth _____ and preffered depth ____ to avoid fractures ans : 1.5 & 2 Q15 : Which is incorrect about amlgam Ans : overmixed amalgam is dry & crumbly Q16 : Removing carious dentine is part of: ans : Final preparations stage Q17 : if the distance between two lesions is less than .5 they SHOULD NOT be joined T/F False

Midterm Exams Questions: 2009

Q18 : which statement is true about Low speed hand piece : A. speed up to 100,000 rpm B. rotation only clockwise C. can used to remove enamel D. used to finish the restoration Answer >> D.

Dental Material 2
Q1 : Zinc phosphate consist of: ans : zinc oxide +phosphoric acid Q2 : The acid that control working time & setting time in GIC is : ans : Tataric acid Q3 : The activator in composite polymerization is: ans : tertiary amine Q4 :The initiator in composite polymerization is: ans : benzoyl peroxide Q5 : Increase filler --> decrease Coefficient of thermal expansion Q6 : what do we add amalgam to prevent tarnish ?? ans : (palladium) Q7 : Tarnish happened when amalgam contact with A. sulfide B. chloride C.hydrogen

Midterm Exams Questions: 2009

D.water E. two answers are correct answer >> E. Q8 : The bond agent between Risen matrix and fillers in composite is : ans : saline coupling agent Q9 : Which monomer doesn't found in resin matrix in composite A.MMA B. bis-GMA C. UDMA D .polystyrene not sure about spelling " ans : D Q10 : in Hardening stage in GIC what happened : ans : Alaminum salt bridges coss-linked polyacrylic acid chain .. Q11 : when we increase itching time on dentin what will happened : A. pulp death !! B. tooth sensitivity C. increase composite bonding to the tooth D.collagen fiber collapse Q12 : The acid which control\ affect the setting and working time in GIC : A. phosphoric acid B. acrylic acid c. Tartaric acid D. ..... answer >> C.

Midterm Exams Questions: 2009

Q13 : to decrease corrosion in amalgam we add A.silver B.copper C.tin D.palladium B. is the correct !! Q14: which of the following is true regarding zinc oxide ogeynol using cement 1) oil of orange is used as a solvent 2) Equal length base & catalyst >> two of the above (this is the answer) Q15 : cermet GIC have more abrasion resistance? (or something like that) True. Q16 : after applied bonding agent a Hybrid Layer will form and it's A b . .. c . layer made up intermingling resin and itched enamel D. layer made of intermingling resin and itched dentin answer: D. ((backing to slide " bonding and adhesive" slide 20 .. " hardcopy")) Q17 : all are true about pits and fissure sealants except? A. release floride B. brittle C. good adhesion D.good penetration into fissures E. all are true


Midterm Exams Questions: 2009

answer>>> D Q18 : what acid reacts with zinc oxide to make zinc phosphate? (something like that). A.polyacrylic acid b. tartaric acid c.hydrofloric acid d. phosphoric acid e: all are true answer>>> D , Q19 : the smear layer consist of all of these except : a. bacteria b. dentin debris c. salivary components D. primer solution answer D. Q20 : which is not correct about High strength bases .. the answer was > have low elastic modulus !! Q21 : ideally amalgam should do one of this: a. expand to reduce micro leakage b. a little dimensional change c. shrink........ d. none is correct Answer is B Q22 : something about composers wich is wrong??? a. release less fluoride than GIC b. high fracture toughness...


Midterm Exams Questions: 2009

c. no acid base reaction in it d. ...... E. all are true ans >>> c Q23 : what will affect good bonding A. oil lubricant expelled from the hand piece B. moist surface after itching and bonding C. All answer are true D. increasing bonding time ka2no E . complete drying of enamel and dentine Answer A , E Q24 : what interferes with good bonding? A. oil lubricant B. moist surface of dentine c. ...... d. ..... e. all are true Answer : A Q :25 when silver alloy react with mercury,the weakest phase will be : Answer : gamma 2 phase. Q:26: which is true about admixed amalgam compared to spherical amalgam: A. admixed amalgam has higher 1&24 hours strength B. admixed amalgam shrink more C. required to be condensed more than spherical(something like that) answer >> c


Midterm Exams Questions: 2009

Q27 : Which is correct about surgical dressing : A) flowable B) bulky C) smooth D) contains Eugenol the answer is C , (( slide : 24 dental cements )) Q28 : What is the strongest phase in the amlagam setting : (a) Gamma (b) gamma 1 (c) gamma 2 (d) none Ans : a Q29 : The compound that bonds filler to matrix in composite ---> copper

(The rest of questions written by : Mutaz Al-Hanouty )

1. Which is the weakest phase of sliver alloy mixed with mercury (i.e. Amalgam) : Answer is Gamma 2 2. Which metal reacts with copper will produce the weakest phase (i.e. Gamma 2) : Answer is Tin 3. Amalgam corrosion may be reduced by adding which of the following : Answer is copper 4. Which of the following is true of admixed amalgam compared with spherical amalgam :

Midterm Exams Questions: 2009

Answer is it requires the use of small condensers 5. Which of the following properties characterize amalgam : Answer is poor tensile strength 6. Set amalgam should have which of the following : Answer is little dimensional changes 7. Which of the following is true : Answer is used ultrasonic condensers is not recommended to amalgam 8. Compared to high copper amalgam , low copper amalgam is which of the following : ( 2 answers are correct ) Answer: a. Have lower strength after 1 hour of placement b. Accompanied by reduced micro-leakage 9. Amalgam tarnish may caused by amalgam contact with which of the following : ( 2 answers are correct ) Answer: a. Chlorides b. Sulfides 10.The following monomers is used for organic matrix except : Answer is polystirine (what is this, the doctor dose not know :D ) 11.Which of the following bonds filler and resin matrix : Answer is silane 12.The activator is chemically cured composite is : Answer is tertiary amide 13.Which of the following is correct regarding composite proprieties : Answer is they have similar thermal conductivity to tooth structure 14.The following is true except : Answer is high filler content increase the CTE of composite 15.Which of the following is true about light cured composite :


Midterm Exams Questions: 2009

Answer is an example of high intensity light curing unit is argon laser unit 16.Compomers are : ( 2 answers are correct ) Answer : a. They release less fluoride compared to conventional GIC b. Can be used in the same clinical situations as micro-filled composites 17.Composites : ( 2 answers are correct ) Answer : a. May be user for constructing temporary crowns b. They shrinks less compared to acrylic material 18.Which of the following is true of composite proprieties : Answer is higher filler content increase stiffness 19.Sliver cements (i.e. metal reinforced GIC ) are : Answer is have better abrasion resistance compared with conventional GIC 20.conventional GIC used for the following clinical situations except : ( 2 answers are true ) Answer a. proximal tooth surface cavity in posterior teeth (i.e. class II) b. occlusal lesions in permanent teeth 21.How is the setting reaction in GIC : Answer is formation of aluminum bridges that cross-linked the polyacid 22.Which of the following is a propriety of conventional GIC : ( 2 answers are correct ) Answer a. Low tensile strength b. similar CTE to tooth structure 23.Which of the following regulates working time and setting time : Answer is tartaric acid 24.Which of the following is false of GIC :


Midterm Exams Questions: 2009

Answer is they suffer from low initial fluoride release 25.Which of the following is false regarding GIC pits and fissure sealants : Answer is The ability to fully penetrate pits and fissures 26.Compared to conventional GIC hybrid GIC characterized by the following except : Answer is No acid-base reaction

Removable Prosthodontics 1
Q1 - List Lab/Clinic denture making steps

Q2 - Which of the following muscles does not affect the denture movement (later ptyregoid) Q3 : Metal tray (picture) is used for which of the following materials Margins of the Retromylohyoid fossa Q4 : Hight for Incisors in Maxilla/mandible: Q5 : Picture: how far back should you go on the retromolar pad (2/3 back Q6 : picture: cast was made of gypsum type two & tray line was blue line


Midterm Exams Questions: 2009

Q7 : Foxs plane is used where: Q8 : Describe: Wax rim adjustments: Q9 : List Stages of cold cure acrylic setting & which stage is it manipulated in Q10 : pic of metal tray , which impression material we can use with this : impression compound , alginal , zone, hydrocolloids Ans. pression compound

Assay Questions :
1. list in order the laboratory steps for complete denture fabrication ? 2. describe all the steps for maxillary wax rim adjustment done during jaw relationship records : 3. list in order the clinical steps for complete denture fabrication: 4. a- list in order the laboratory steps of setting when self cure acrylic powder and liquid are mixed : b- which stage is the crroect stage to manipulate and shape the mix ? 5. list the limiting structures (anatomical borders) of the " retromylohyoid fossa " :

Oral Epidemiology
(Written by 2008 Class)


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