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MULTI PARA: 1. 1 Mayo scissors -use to cut the umbilical cord 2. 1 Kelly clamp (curve) with latex band -use to clamp the cord towards the baby 3. 1 Kelly clamp (straight) - use to clamp the cord towards the placenta 4. Rubber suction bulb -Suction oral and nasal secretions of baby 5. Several sterile gauze 6. Sterile towel 7. Pair of gloves 8. Mayo table -where all instruments are placed PRIMI PARA: 1. 1 Mayo scissors -use to cut the cord and to cut the perineum during episiotomy 2. 1 Kelly clamp (curve) with latex band 3. 1 Kelly clamp (straight) 4. Rubber suction bulb 5. Several sterile gauze 6. Sterile towel 7. Pair of gloves 8. Mayo table Additional: 1. 1 Metz -use to cut suture during episiorraphy 2. 1 needle holder -use to hold the needle 3. 1 tissue forceps

4. 1 suture (chromic 2-0) 5. Xylocaine 2%(5cc) -use as anesthesia during episiorraphy 6. 1 syringe (5cc with g23 needle)

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