Design Your Own Experiment: Scenario of The Problem

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Design Your Own Experiment

Scenario of the Problem Bacteria are so small that microscope is needed to see them. On the other hand, bacterial colonies that contain millions of bacteria all descendents from a single bacterium can be seen without using a microscope. Each bacterium grows best at a particular temperature.

Using scientific methods to determine where bacteria are found in the greatest concentrations Design an experiment to solve the above problem. Scientists use orderly approaches to solve problems. Write a report of your experiment design using the format below: The first step in identifying the problem is to ask the appropriate question. For example: Where in your school might you be able to find the greatest concentrations of different bacteria? A hypothesis is based on observations that you have made. A hypothesis is a possible explanation based on previous knowledge and observations. It is a prediction that can be tested.


Identifying the problem


Form a hypothesis

3. Test Your hypothesis

To test a hypothesis you need a procedure. A procedure tells you what materials to use , as well as how and in what order to use them.

4. Record and Analyse Your Data

The data you collect must be recorded carefully. Accuracy is the key. A well-thought-out experiment includes a way to record procedures. Data

tables are one way to organise and record results.

5. Conclusions

After analysing the data collected and rechecking for accuracy, you are now ready to draw conclusions about what the data means. These conclusions are usually stated using words similar to those found in the hypothesis formed earlier in the process.

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