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Theory Of Pricing & Output Determination

Market Structure:1. Pure Competition. 2. Perfect Competition. 3. Monopoly. 4. Monopolistic Competition. 5. Oligopoly.

Pure Competition
Large No of Sellers & Buyers
Homogeneous Product Free Entry & Exist

Perfect Competition
Perfect Knowledge of the Market
Absence of Transport Cost Perfect Mobility of the factors of production

Pure or Perfect Monopoly
1.Only one firm producing the commodity 2.There should be no substitute for commodity.

Characteristics Features Of Monopolistic Competition

Existence of Number of Firms Product Differentiation Easy Entry & Exist Multiplicity of Price

Elastic Demand

Features of Oligopoly
1. Small no. of Sellers & buyers 2. Product condition differentiation not a necessary

3. Control







4. Barriers to Entry
5. Advertising & Sales Promotion.

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