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Yoga and Prevention & Cure of Diabetes

Regular practice of yoga does reduce blood sugar levels, the blood pressure, weight, the rate of progression to the complications, and the severity of the complications as well. The symptoms are also reduced to a great extent, so are number of diabetes related hospital admissions. How Yoga works? (Possible mechanisms) 1. 2. 3. Glucagons secretion is enhanced by stress. Yoga effectively reduces stress, thus reducing glucagons and possibly improving insulin action. Weight loss induced by yoga is a well accepted mechanism. Muscular relaxation, development and improved blood supply to muscles might enhance insulin receptor expression on muscles causing increased glucose uptake by muscles and thus reducing blood sugar. Blood pressure plays a great role in development of diabetic and related complications, which is proven to be benefited by yoga. The same holds true for increased cholesterol levels. Yoga reduces adrenaline, noradrenalin and cortisol in blood, which are termed as stress hormones. This is a likely mechanism of improvement in insulin action. Many yogic postures do produce stretch on the pancreas, which is likely to stimulate the pancreatic function.

4. 5. 6. Yoga Sit Very and d)

Practises Sithilikarana Vyayama (Sukshma Vyayama) simple physical movements to mobilize and activate the affected parts of the body are used. Some easy physical exercise are used to fulfil the needs of the particular ailments to a) loosen the joints b) stretch and relax the muscles c) improve the power develope stamina to avoid further complications of Diabetes Suddhikriya : Purifies body internally. When body is purified healing happens naturally. Yogasana : physical postures often imitating the natural positions of the animals meant to make mind tranquil, releases tension, makes blood flow proper, proper exercise of blood vessels and muscles happens , mental calmness achieved) Pranayama : Pranayama is very important both in the initial recovery of Diabetic patient and in subsequent rehabilitation and rejuvenation period. Breathing practices (Regulation of Vital force , Life energy is balanced)

Yoga Thr and Medi It is mental

Yoga Nindra : Through relaxation supressed emotions and mental thoughts are liberated and the person learns to live, think honestly and thus possibly improving insulin action.

and feel simply

Meditation most useful as a means of becoming aware of the physical, mental and emotional tensions which may be the cause of Diab etes. These practices bring detachment from the mental processes, fears and imaginations which are the root cause of agitations and tensions.

Suggestion for Practice : Do all the yogic practise in empty stomach or 3 to 4 hours gap should be there after food. Every practice should be done with slowness and when there is tremor or heavy breath before that we must come back. Asanas can be hold from 10 seconds to 3 minute for maximum benefit. Breath should be normal during Starting of Asana, in final postion of asana, and when you come back from Asana. Food or bath can be taken after 20 minutes of yoga practise. Walking or exercise can be done after 20 minute of yoga practice.
Sr Demonstratioin Rounds/Strock Advantge Technique Legs straight, together, hands by the all around movement of joint Sukshma Vyama side of buttock, fingers pointing towards gives strength to all joint and Aim : for all joint, the front. helps to avoid complications of relaxative Yoga contract and strech your Toes, Ankle Diabetes Practise will remain fix 3 round Removes the stiffness of all joint, helps to cure pain of all Joint Limbs of yoga Legs straight, together, Hands by the side of Buttock, Fingers pointing towards the front. clock wise rotate your Ankle Anticlock wise rotate your Ankle

3 round

Legs straight, together, hands by the side of buttock, fingers pointing towards the front. 3 round Strech and contract your leg from the Ankle. Legs straight, together, hands by the side of buttock, fingers pointing towards the front. fold Left Leg bring it near to your 3 round Buttock, Right hand below the thigh, with the help of Left hand try to catch hold of the Right Elbow , then bring your foot close to the Chest, above the floor extend and Relax your Foot

Legs straight, together, Hands by the side of Buttock, Fingers pointing towards the front fold Left Leg bring it near to your Buttock, Right hand below the Thigh, with the help of Left Hand try to catch hold of the Right Elbow , then bring your Foot close to the Chest, above the floor 3 round

Rotate your leg Clockwise

3 round

Rotate your leg Anti Clockwise

3 round

Legs straight, together, hands by the side of buttock, fingers pointing towards the front 3 round fold both Legs, bring it near to Anus maximum. make Fingers lock, put Fingers below the Toes. now try to put your Legs on the floor and towards the Sky, a wing of Butterfly

Legs straight, together, hands by the side of Buttock, Fingers pointing towards the front Hands parallel to Sholder, Palm facing the front try to catch hold of your Right toe, with Left hand, Right hand above the Shoulder , towards the sky by turning the Neck and Spine towards 3 round the Right, try to see the Right Thumb Come back to original position and try to catch hold of your Left toe, with Right hand, Left hand above the Shoulder , towards the sky by turning the Neck and Spine towards the Left, try to see the Left Thumb Legs straight, together, hands by the side of Buttock, Fingers pointing towards the front make a Finger lock

Do clockwise Hand rotation, Hand should be always straight. ...when Hand comes on Thigh do backward movement of Spine, when hand comes near to Toes , Spine comes forward

3 round

Do Anti-clockwise Hand rotation, Hand should be always straight. ...when Hand comes on Thigh do 3 round backward movement of Spine, when hand comes near to Toes , Spine comes forward Take sitting posture Hands straight close your Fingers, then open it 3 round

Take sitting posture Hands Straight close your Fingers, Thumb towards inside of the Fingers keep a gentle gap between the two Wrist rotate wrist Clockwise

3 round

3 round

rotate wrist Anticlockwise

3 round

Take sitting posture hands straight put your hands on the shoulder

rotate your Elbow towards the Body, in a circular manner, when hand comes in the front try to touch the Elbow, also 3 round take your hand maximum towards the back (Clockwise Rotation) rotate your Elbow towards the Head, in a circular manner, when Hand comes in the front try to touch the Elbow, also 3 round take your hand maximum towards the back (Anticlockwise Rotation) Take sitting posture close your eyes turn your neck toward the right side turn your neck toward the Left side

3 round

Take sitting posture close your eyes turn your neck toward the Up side turn your neck toward the Down side

3 round

Take sitting posture close your eyes raise your neck towards the sky, then rotate it clock wise ,, slowly and gradually Take sitting posture close your eyes raise your neck towards the sky, then rotate it Anti- clock wise ,, slowly and gradually Take sitting posture Neck will remain fix turn your eyes towards the Left Side turn your eyes towards the Right Side

3 round

3 round

2 Round

Take sitting posture Neck will remain fix turn your eyes towards the Up Side turn your eyes towards the Down Side

2 Round

Take sitting posture Neck will remain fix rotate your Eyes clock-wise 2 Round

Take sitting posture Neck will remain fix rotate your Eyes Anti-clock-wise

2 Round

Give Friction to your palms When you feel heat, Fold your palms and put your folded palms on Closed eyes For 10 to 30 Seocnds

1 Round 15 Seconds to 30 Seconds


Take the starting posture (Forehead on the ground, Palm towards the sky, Hands by the side of the Legs) Chin on the floor, Feast closed, Hands by the side of the Legs slowly raise your Left Leg , without bending from the Knee towards the sky

Gives gentle massage to Pancreas and thus improves functioning of Pancreas 2 Round

Uttanpadasana Take the starting posture (Spine on the floor, Legs together, Hands by the side of the body, Palm on the ground )

2 Round

Venous return of blood can be improved (the blood which is coming from toes to Heart) It gives strength and diabetic foot problem can be prevented or cured with regualr and prolong practise

slowly raise your left leg without bending from the knee towards the sky, you can go up to 90 degree (Straight)

slowly raise your Right Leg without bending from the knee towards the sky, you can go up to 90 degree (Straight) Twisting cleans and rejuvenates our body specifically Pancreas, Liver and Kidney 2 Round


Take the starting posture (Spine on the floor, Legs together, Hands by the side of the body, Palm on the ground ) Fold both of your legs , bring it near to your buttock, keep a distance of one feet or one and half feet.

Now try to twist your body towards the Left and try to put your both Foot on the floor

come back, legs folded and then Now try to twist your body towards the Right and try to put your both Foot on the floor


Sit straight, hands by the side of the buttock Fold your left leg and place it near to middle of Right Legs knee, Left hand towards the back side of the body upto comfortable distance with Right Hand catch hold of your Left knee by crossing Left leg with Right Hand, press it towards the Right side Slowly turn your neck and twist your spine towards Left side Maintain the position when you want to come back , first neck & spine then hand which is at back side Fold your Right Leg and place it near to middle of Left Legs knee, Right hand towards the back side of the body upto comfortable distance with Left Hand catch hold of your Right knee by crossing Right Leg with Left Hand, press it towards the Left side Slowly turn your neck and twist your spine towards Right side Maintain the position

Twisting yoga poses can cleanse

and rejuvenate the body. The abdomen and internal organs receive a deep internal message, helping to squeeze out toxins, stimulate digestion and supply organs with fresh circulation upon release. This asana can regulate the secretion of adrenaline and bile and is recommended in the yogic management of diabetes


Sit In Vajrasana (Fold your Leg Leg, place it under your buttock, Fold your Right Leg place it under your buttock, Toes together, Heels apart having "V" shape, in between the space put your buttock ) Close your feast , place your feast at Navel region, palm towards abdomen Slowly do forward bend (while bending do forward bend from root of your spine to upside ) Hold the posture for comfortable time say 10 seconds to 30 seconds

By increasing the intra abdomianl pressure Pancreas gets deep internal massage and we can improve blood circulation and normalize the working of Pancreas 2


take standing, keep comfortable 2 distance between to foot, Raise your hands towards the sky, now take your hands towards the back side and do backward bend of Spine, make sure you bend from root of your spine towards the upside

Increases the function of Heart and Lungs This posture is given here so that Back muscles gets balanced exercise as we did forward bend in Yoga Mudra and now doing Backward Bend

60 strocks per Spine Straight, but relaxed, relaxed round. Suddhi Kriya your Abdomen. 2 round close your Eyes. Inhale Aim : purify body then start exhaling rapidly, at the same & mind time Abdomen should go in with the help of breath. Inhalation should be passive. one forceful exhaltion is considered as 1 strock.

Kapalbhati purifies body internally. It increases the intra-abdominal pressure thus Pancreas gets gentle massage and blood goes deep into pancreas and rejuvenation of this gland happens

Spine Straight, Relaxe your abdomen close your eyes Pranayama do deep inhalation, and deep exhalation when you inhale chest and Abdomen Aim : make body comes up and when you exhale chest healthy by and Abdomen goes down regulating life force

Balances Vatta, Pitta, Kapha 20 times breathing 2 Round

Balances the vital energy (Prana) of our existence, this it self may cure many disease and stops further complication Spine Straight and Relaxed Use Your Right hand, fold your First and Second 10 Round Finger Close your Right Nostril, Aim : thorough Inhale from the Left, close it, Exhale breath, removes from the Right blocks which are Inhale from the Right, close it, Exhale preventing life from the Left. This is 1st round force to reach in the body & mind, thus makes body and mind healthy Yoga Nindra Sit in Chair or Lie down on the floor in Shavasana Close your eyes and relax your self Follow the instruction and feel that body part with closed eyes and relax your self by reducing the control over your body part first Left part then Right Part 10 min Feel your toes, Ankle joints, Calf musclesrelax it observe your kneecaps, thigh muscles and buttocksmake it relax feel your Lower Abdomen and upper Abdomenlet go and relax Lower spine , Upper spine try to relax or just feel how it is touching on the floor Progressive relaxation helps in calming nerves. Helps to reduce stress by activating Parasympathetic nervous system.



Hand - fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulderrelax it Face , chin, chicks, nose, eyes, forehead, upper part of Head is getting deeper relaxation skull , back part, Cervical area, Upper part of skull is relaxed now feel your hall body and make sure body 10 to 30 min is relaxed Now slowly bring your awareness on breath and feel the breath when you inhale and exhale when relaxation becomes deeper after 2 minutes bring your awareness to external sound with close eyes then slowly move your big toe and then finger and gently turn towards left and


or Meditation

Sit staright in Chair or on the Floor close your eyes and relax your self now bring your awareness inside both nosstrill become aware of the breath try to feel the touch of air when you inhale and exhale

Aim : to know present experience as it is so that flucation of mind stops and real happiness and peace is experience within if thought, feeling , sensation, emotion comes become aware that you have experienced it without judging it and then bring your awareness back to breath 10 to 30 min

do not control breath, thought , emotion

The mind of the mediator can focus on a fixed point and gradually can attain a consciousness. Right action always comes from consciousness.

For questions or Query Contact : kalpesh (Yoga Instructor, Swas Naturopathy) Email :

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