PrinceofPersia2WarriorWithin Pccheat

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Prince of Persia 2 - Warrior Within Cheat Codes: -----------Update by: sachitha Submitted by: conner54 Life Upgrade Pedestals:

----------------------1.The first upgrade pedestal is right after you beat Shahdee. Walk up the stairs and you will see a tall altar. Pull it back to open a secret doorway behind it. Fo llow it throw avoiding the traps to obtain the first life upgrade. 2(Past). The second upgrade pedestal is in the area where you first fight the Cr ow Master. Make your way up the area to the stairway. You'll see a small metal gr ate. At the bottom of the stores to the left there are some barrels and a switch. H it the switch, slow down time and make your way to the grate, roll under it. Go throu gh avoiding traps to get the second life upgrade. 3.When you reach the central hall after obtaining the serpent sword turn the tur nstile lever so that it faces the doorway with the save point fountain. Facing the op posite doorway walk foreword and to the right, you'll see a ledge. Drop down and wall jump back and forth to make your way slowly down. Once you get down, drop down to t he ledge below and wall run and jump off at the end and jump side to side to make your way up. Wall run again and at the end wall jump from side to side to make your way down to a ledge. Make your way to the doorway go through and avoid the traps f or the third upgrade pedestal. `` ***// 4.When in the Mechanical tower you will eventually reach a Thrall who is throwin g spike beasts. Get him to blow up the left wall (Your left when facing the Thrall) Wa lk throw and avoid traps to get the fourth upgrade pedestal. 5.When you get to the Garden in which you see the whole breathtaking scene make your way up to where you fight Silhouettes and Keepers. Walk to the left to find a ledg e where the fence doesn't continue, drop down, move, drop down and wall run to make yo ur way to the doorway across the gap. Walk in, make your way through avoiding traps t o find the fifth upgrade pedestal. 6.Once you turn on the water in Garden works via turnstile, wall run up the wall behind it, walk in make your way through avoiding traps to find the sixth upgrade ped

estal. 7.In the Prison area after you beat Thrall and make your way up. Make your way t o the end of the left side and break a wall, you'll see a door. Head to the right si de and midway throw you'll see another cracked wall. Break it hit the switch slow dow n time and make your way to the first wall you broke head throw and avoiding traps to find the sevenths life upgrade pedestal. 8.Inside the library when you make your way up from the walkways beneath it. You see a broken doorway, make your way throw it and get to the railings. You need to ju mp to the other one and instead of heading to the ledge to the left, head to the opp osing doorway (which is still intact) Jump to the ledge and make your way to the rig ht side, jump up, and go through to find your way to the eight life upgrade pedestal. 9.The ninth pedestal is located in the room in which you chase Shahdee and she s huts the door behind her. You are required to make your way up and to jump on a bar to open the door, as you make your way up you'll see a cracked grating. Come back here when you have the scorpion sword and break the grate to reveal a crate. Bring the crate out to the left wall, jump on it, wall run up and jump off to reach a le dge above it. Follow the area throw to make your way to the ninth upgrade pedestal . With all pedestals found you will be able to get the Water sword which is in the room before the throne room. It will be in the center. The Water Sword gives you an a lternate ending as it is the only weapon capable of defeating the Dahaka. Light Sword: -----------The light sword is the most powerful secondary weapon in the game. When in the m ystic caves you come upon a door that you must unlock via switch. Directly after that door there is a drop in the floor. Drop down and break the left wall and break the ra ck to pick up the light sword. As with all secondary weapons it is unbreakable, but if you throw it you lose it for good. The light sword has maximum damage and maximum at tack rate. Secret Ending: -------------* To get the secret ending simply obtain all 9 life upgrades, when you get to th

e room before the Empress' throne room there will be a new sword waiting for you. It is the water sword and said to be the only thing that can kill the Dahaka. For your f inal battle, instead of fighting the Empress you fight the Dahaka. * The Dahaka's attacks are repetitive and predictable. When far away he will sho ot his tendrils throw the ground up at you, run around in circles to avoid it making your way ever closer to him. If you get too close he'll shoot out his tendrils dire ctly at you, roll to dodge them. As you roll slow down time and go in for some heav y combo hitting, as you get him lower in health the Empress will help you and shoot hi m off the arena, he will be stuck on the ledge, stock up on sand tanks (They regener ate around the arena) and slow down time or use Ravages of time to inflict maximum damage. He'll eventually get back up and jump at you, constantly roll until he calms d own and remains stationary. Repeat the same method as before until he is defeated. Hockey Stick: ------------After you obtain the Scorpion sword find your way back to the central room. Turn the turnstile so that the lever is facing the doorway with the save point fountain. Stand facing the opposite doorway and walk up a bit and to the right. You will find a ledge that is one step lower than the area around you. Walk down and grab on to it. Ju mp to the opposite ledge and jump back and forth to slowly make your way down. Once yo u reach the bottom drop down to the ledge below it. Wall run to the next wall and get re ady to jump off and back and forth to make your way up. Wall run again and when you rea ch the end wall jump to slow your descent once more, you'll eventually grab onto a ledg e. Make your way to the doorway that is next to it, but DON'T GO IN. Instead keep going on the rocks until you see the area where sand is falling. With the scorpion sword in h and break the wall. Break the rack of weapons and pick up the hockey stick. As with all special weapons the hockey stick is unbreakable, but if you throw it you lose it for good. It has moderate damage and a relatively slow attack rate. Teddy Bear: ----------* One of the miscellaneous secondary weapons is the teddy bear. Locate it after earning the Scorpion Sword in the clock (west) tower. There are three encounters with

a giant golem enemy in the clocktower when you initially go through it; the first is b efore you start negotiating the vertical climbing of the tower (past); the second is atop the clock tower (past); the third is is stationary and throws exploding monste rs in the clock tower's second area (past). * Look for the room where the second giant golem enemy is. You will need to be i n the present (so find a time portal) and drop into the water-filled dead end past t he golem's room. Break the wall and retrieve the teddy bear. * The teddy bear is almost unbreakable and does almost no damage, but has the ab ility to restore lost life to the Prince with each successful blow on an enemy. Hint: ----Submitted by: GHAZI NASSIF MAKKI * If the prince turns to a creep with a mask that means that you wore the mask b efore its time so you have to go back to the present and change to the real prince!. * This is not Really a cheat This is an advice if you are using any trainer for Prince of Persia 2 - Warrior Within use it but dont use "One Hit Kill" Because this o ne will cause problems in the game story (Some doors dont open some things dont happen ) so use trainers carefully. Hint: ----Submitted by: goldberg This is not a cheat just a tip to how to quickly finish of the golem or the mumm y when fighting either of them make sure you have atleast two sands of time slots full then hit on the back side of the legs where thereis no armour after a few hits it wil l bend jump on it and activate slow motion hit it many times until it raises its hand t o catch you now jump on to the armor opposite to where the golem is raising its hand the n when it removes it again jump back on to its neck and activate slow motion and start hitting it it will fall. Cheats: ------Submitted by: Manu Gill

Ttype cheats while playing the game Cheats uses ------------------heals - full health weaps - all waepons powes - all powers Hint: ---Submitted by: bond When in the mystic caves you reach a gate which you have to open via switch, ope n the gate .Get in. Just after the gate drop down the ledge.Break the left wall. Break the rack & pick up the light sword. It has maximum damage, blocking power & attack r ate. Remember you will loose it if you will throw it. Hints: -----Submitted by: supratim narayan moitra In this section I give you only a few points which can make the game easier for you: 1) when the prince becomes the sandwraith use "R" constantly while fighting as t he game becomes slow and sands are replenished automatically. 2) most of the times you do not need to fight all the soldiers.sometimes if you just monkey crawl on a platform side then you can avoid conflict. 3) when you are hanging on a ledge and monkey crawling then no one can harm you except the ninga girls. 4) for the time travel buttons see which one glows first.then try the alternate zigzag button. 5) when you run on platforms that break use "R" to slow down things. 6) throw your enemies of the cliff sides.thats a more intelligent form of combat . Life Upgrade Pedestals: ----------------------Submitted by: Anivesh Wadhwa *UPGRADE PEDESTAL 1: The first upgrade pedestal is right after you beat Shahdee. Walk up the stairs and you will see a tall altar. Pull it back to open a secret doorway behind it. Follow it throw avoiding the traps to obtain the first life u pgrade. *UPGRADE PEDESTAL 2 (Past): The second upgrade pedestal is in the area where you first fight the Crow Master. Make your way up the area to the stairway. You'll s ee a small metal grate. At the bottom of the stores to the left there are some barr els and a switch. Hit the switch, slow down time and make your way to the grate, rol

l under it. Go through avoiding traps to get the second life upgrade. *UPGRADE PEDESTAL 3: When you reach the central hall after obtaining the serpent sword turn the turnstile lever so that it faces the doorway with the save point fountain. Facing the opposite doorway walk foreword and to the right, you'll see a ledge. Drop down and wall jump back and forth to make your way slowly down. Once you get down, drop down to the ledge below and wall run and jump off at the end and jump side to side to make your way up. Wall run again and at the end wall jump from s ide to side to make your way down to a ledge. Make your way to the doorway go throug h and avoid the traps for the third upgrade pedestal. UPGRADE PEDESTAL 4:When in the Mechanical tower you will eventually reach a Thra ll who is throwing spike beasts. Get him to blow up the left wall (Your left when f acing the Thrall) Walk throw and avoid traps to get the fourth upgrade pedestal *UPGRADE PEDESTAL 5: When you get to the Garden in which you see the whole breat htaking scene make your way up to where you fight Silhouettes and Keepers. Walk to the l eft to find a ledge where the fence doesn't continue, drop down, move, drop down and wall run to make your way to the doorway across the gap. Walk in, make your way throu gh avoiding traps to find the fifth upgrade pedestal. *UPGRADE PEDESTAL 6: Once you turn on the water in Garden works via turnstile, w all run up the wall behind it, walk in make your way through avoiding traps to find the sixth upgrade pedestal. *UPGRADE PEDESTAL 7: In the Prison area after you beat Thrall and make your way up. Make your way to the end of the left side and break a wall, you'll see a door. H ead to the right side and midway throw you'll see another cracked wall. Break it hit the switch slow down time and make your way to the first wall you broke head throw a nd avoiding traps to find the sevenths life upgrade pedestal. *UPGRADE PEDESTAL 8: Inside the library when you make your way up from the walkw ays beneath it. You see a broken doorway, make your way throw it and get to the rail ings. You need to jump to the other one and instead of heading to the ledge to the lef t, head to the opposing doorway (which is still intact) Jump to the ledge and make your way to the right side, jump up, and go through to find your way to the eigh t life upgrade pedestal.

*UPGRADE PEDESTAL 9: The ninth pedestal is located in the room in which you chas e Shahdee and she shuts the door behind her. You are required to make your way up and to jump on a bar to open the door, as you make your way up you'll see a cracked grating. Come back here when you have the scorpion sword and break the grate to reveal a crate. Bring the crate out to the adjacent wall, climb up on it, wall r un up and jump off to reach a ledge above it. Follow the area throw to make your wa y to the ninth upgrade pedestal. *With all pedestals found you will be able to get the Water sword which is in th e room before the throne room. It will be in the center. The Water Sword gives you an alternate ending as it is the only weapon capable of defeating the Dahaka. * For any problems regarding this game you can contact me at my mail ID: I have completed this game more than 30 times in any level.So contact me any tim e. Hint: ----Submitted by: Sushant Debnath B.U Jhansi This is actually not a cheat;- in this game there are other weapons also besides the miscelleneous weapons having same qualities like those miscelleneous weapons ,,,, like the big sword of crowman it has the capacity of one hit kill but it break o ffs after 4 or 5 hits, and the sword dena has the capacity of returning back the los t life to the prince with each succesfull blow on enemy and the swords of the invi sible ninzas have the maximum attack and damage rate but it also increases the damage given by the enemy with each succesful blow on enemy. Hint: ----Submitted by: Sushant Debnath B.U Jhansi this is actually not a cheat:\ the role of background voices o.k. for new users to the prince of persia games should listen to the background voices while playing the game , if you are trapped anywhere in the game or lost or cannot find the way to go further than the background voices are very helpfull. and one thing more when you fight with big bosses in the game than don't click t he mouse continously or unnecessarily because if you click before the speed kill system(when the computer monitor screen flashes) then the speed kill will not performed & you will not be able to kill the bosses,.

and one thing also you should also listen to the black prince voice in the backg round while fighting with the bosses he tells you how to kill the bosses. Hint: ----Submitted by: firelordruins This is tip for fighting to for the last time: first after animation suddenly sl ip back and hang on the side of the ground. Then move towards the side and stand up ,now she will slows you down them slip back and after her power use you slow slowdown and fight with her(always keep only little distance from the ends of ground)fight li ke this for many time . Then after some time she uses his sands power and sends san d cyclon, the better way to avoid this is,first some how escape from it then you can go at the back of the cyclon and do this till it disappears you can easily win the game Hint: ----Submitted by: tanmay chaudhari When you are in the catacombs,when the dahaka is chasing you second time ,when t here are two ways to go,consider using slow time,move to left where you will find a m etal gate.Near to that gate you will find a rack,hit it.Pick up the weapon it is raym an fist. It does not damages much but gives you a chance to fall your enemies on ground.i t doe not break but if you throw it you loose it for good. GLOVES: ------Submitted by: Poorvik When the Dahaka follows you for the second time after defeating the princess for first time.You have two ways infront of you.Go to the left, you see a rack of weapons just infront of you to your left slow down the time break it and you get a Gloves whi ch is unbreakable. Duck-Mace: ---------Submitted by: Aninda Das One of the miscellaneous secondary weapons is the Duck-Mace. After earning scorp ion/water swoard go to the garden tower.Trere were 4 livers and a statue on the middle. Yo u have to

climb up on the ladder and climb up another ladder and jump on the back platform . Climb a ladder and run on wall and catch a ledge and jump on the floor. There is 3 ways, you must go the middle and find a time portal. Come to present. Come back to the roof and you see a Cracked wall(which Dahaka brak's during run). Go in the wall and jump behind. You see a switch left side of you. press it and see an altar climb it and catch the bim ab ove in. Jump on the wall and climb down. Break the designed wall and you will find DuckMace. The Duck-Mace is almost unbreakable and does almost no damage. If any problem during play E-mail me at Hint: ----Submitted by: dev When you get the sword that can break the cracked wall you go to the 1st tower a t the ending time of the game you go to the babylon where at the bagnning the dahaka c hase you ther you are supposed to break a cracked wall & you should get the secret we apon. Cheat: -----Submitted by: Aninda Use a simple combo which is L-click L-click L-click E. When you have 2 weapons i n prince's hand. Kill Dahaka: -----------Submitted by: Aninda Email : I have found an easiest policy 2 kill dahaka. Use slow motion when kailina throw s dahaka at the ledge and it hangs there. Kill him with slow motion. After ending any Fraction use another verry quickly. This must kill dahaka. I have ended the game more than 50 times so mail me at any problem. Rayman Fist unbreakable: -----------------------The Rayman is one of the tougher secondary secret weapons to get because of the Dahaka. It is located in the Catacombs. (Where you have to pull those three stones out o f the wall to raise the central area.) After pulling the first, go to the stairway, ma

ke a right, run on two walls and jump to the bar on the right side. Swing from the ba r and follow the path. (Make a quick left.) Then use the Scorpion Sword to break throu gh and retrieve the Rayman Fist. The Rayman fist is unbreakable and has a high attack r ate but does little damage. If you throw it, you lose it for good. Pink Flamingo Weapon: --------------------To get this weapon you'll need a sword that can break walls. In the Garden Hall (Present), starting from the middle passageway at the very top of the hall, do a wall run t o the rope, then a wall run to the central platform. Turn left and walk directly through the wall of rubble in front of you. You'll turn around and grab the platform you were just s tanding on. From here, jump across the gap to the next platform. To your left you'll see another platform with a switch. Make your way there, hit the switch, then return to the platform you were just on. There will now be a block you can climb on. From the top of th e block, do a vertical wall run + jump to reach the beam above you. Walk along the beam t o the right, then jump to the ledge on the far wall. Follow the ledge around to an alc ove. Drop into the alcove and break the rear wall on the right-hand side to expose a weapon rack. Break the rack and you'll be able to pick up the Pink Flamingo, an unbreak able secondary weapon that does moderate damage and knocks all regular enemies to the ground with one hit. Go as maggot man: ----------------When you reach the portal room for the second time, when you have to switch the time to the present for the first time, the Prince will say that something is wrong. You must run the switches on the wall to make the portal work correctly. Do not run the switc hes on the wall. Instead, enter the portal as it is and you will switch the time to the present. Save the game, then exit and load the game. You will now be playing as the maggo t man. In this mode you will constantly lose life and much more health when hit than in normal mode. However your attacks will be very powerful and you are much more quicker. Note: Save the game on a different file if you wish to continue the game as the Prince. MISCELLANEOUS WEAPON- GLOVE: ----------------------------

Submitted by: RAVINDRA SAHU AFTER YOU BEAT KAILEENA AND RUN.SCENE.YOU REACH IN A HALL WHERE YOU HAVE TO RUN 3 TIMES BECOZ OF DAHAKA.THE THIRD TIME YOU GET THE HALL,YOU HAVE TO RUN AGAIN.RUN AND RE ACH WHERE YOU HAD TO ROLL DOWN BETWEEN THE BROCKEN PILLAR,NOW IN THE THIRD TIME YOU HAVE T O GO TO THE RIGHT SIDE, DONT GO NOW, THERE SLOW DOWN TIME AND BREAK THE RACK KEPT IN THE LEFT SIDE NEAR THE JAIL WALL.YOU GET THE GLOVE. BY GAMEGURU:RAVINDRA Cheat: -----Submitted by: aarnav dhanuka If you have more than 2 and more save games and if you want your second save gam e to be in first one also so does do this: go to directory c:programfilesv;activision;prince of persia warrior within;popwwprofiles;the fol der with your with profile's name;the last save game;now copy every thing in the file. Now open your first savgeme and rub everything from paste everything w hich you have coppied from the last savegame now save the changes and start the game. Kill shadee: -----------Submitted by: Sayooj Easy way to kill shahdee: 1) Run towards her do a triple combo. 2) When she does a rage attack hold block and move backwards. 3) When she ends her combo by raising both swords charge towards her doing a tri plecombo attack. keep doing to win fight.

HINT FOR FINAL BATTEL WITH KAILEENA: -----------------------------------Submitted by: Bikesh Kayastha This is a hint not a code. It is better to have "Light sword" as secondary weapon as it is the most powerfu l secondary weapon in the game. (Getting light sword:When in the mystic caves you come upon a door that you must unlock via switch. Directly after that door t here is a drop in the floor. Drop down and break the left wall and break the rack to pick up the light sword. As with all secondary weapons it is unbreakable, but if you throw it you

lose it for good. The light sword has maximum damage and maximum attack rate.) If u could not kill kaileena in one try when u do retry u lose light sword so lo ad your saved game. During fight with kaileena stay a bit far from her as her attack cause big harm. Slow down the time and hit her with Light sword, do not use primary weapon or combo attacks. W hen she releas cyclones run by rolling on ground in zigzag pattern. Also remeber to collect san d released by cyclones when it finish. When she slows down time escape away from her. After attacking her 4-5 times and escaping cyclone u can win the final fight easily. Throw and Kill saves sand of Time: ---------------------------------Submitted by: WAQAR ZEB Email: Every enemy kills in water. Throw them into water by Combo of "Arrow key" in com bination of "3rd mouse button". See combo list if you work with different combination that y ou set. They parish in water because they are made up of fire. Just watch when you kill them by any means they burn and disappear in flake of f ire. Right weapon: ------------Submitted by: WAQAR ZEB Email: One two face dagger (secondary weapon) is enough to cut the head from neck of th e monster who throw series of daggers on prince. One item of any kind of dagger is fatal for r ed costumes girl who also have dagger to attack in initial parts of game. Technique is to th row weapon from some distance. Play as Sandwraith: ------------------When you reach the portal room for the second time, when you have to switch the time to the present for the first time, the Prince will say that something is wrong. You must run the switches on the wall to make the portal work correctly. Do not run the switc hes on the wall. Instead, enter the portal as it is and you will switch the time to the pre sent. Save the game, then exit and load the game. You will now be playing as the maggot man . In this mode you will constantly lose life and much more health when hit than in normal

mode. However your attacks will be very powerful and you are much more quicker. Note: Save the game on a different file if you wish to continue the game as the Prince. Defeating the Golem Boss: ------------------------To defeat the harder Golem Boss that throws exploding monsters at you, have at l east five Sand Tanks full. Activate Ravage Of Time and hit him behind his legs (which has no armor). Then, jump on his back and onto his head. Immediately activate Ravage Of Time ag ain so you can hit his head faster. When it wears off, activate Eye Of The Storm, then keep hitting him. You should then finish him off. Defeating ladies in red: -----------------------A good strategy when going up against a group or one of the ladies in red, near the beginning of the game is as follows. Always go into the fight with two weapons, but do not use the second one. Get all of them to go a sandy color then throw your second weapon at them. This will instantly kill them. They will drop weapons. You can pick them up and throw them at the ladies. Also, do not guard. Constantly attack instead. If you see one jumping, a ttack her immediately. If they get you to the floor and there is a group of them they can kill you instantly. All miscellaneous weapons: -------------------------Submitted by: Surej.R Email: i would like to show you all the five miscellaneous weapons in the game. lets be gin:1)teddy bear:- IN the clock tower. in the room in the present, where u use the h unters to blow open a door.(in the present there will be a golem). Come back here after u get the scorpion sword. after killing the shadow, go strait and drop down .(dont worry i ts water) break the wall you see. go climb the ledge and break the weapons rack to get the teddy bear. It restores the lost prince's life. 2)Glows:- it is found in the tombs(catacombs.) where after dhaka chases you for the second time u reach a road divider. slow down time and on the left is a gate and a weap ons rack. break the rack and get the glows. 3)Flamingo:- it is found in the water gardens. inthe present where dhaka chases

you and you reach on top of a metal bridge and when you wall run to the side of the portal, you watch a scene where dhaka breaks a wall then u run away. come back with the scorpion swo rd. thus time instead of wall running, jump to the other side whre there is a red pirate is. k ill him and jump on the ledge(which is the branch of the tree) go to the other side and push the button to bring the ledge out. here it will never go inside. climb up and wall run jump on a beam (which was a pole in the past). jump to the other side and before breaking the w all,kill the invicible ninje. break the weapon rack and retreive the flamingo.(according to me this weapon SUCKS!!!) 4)hockey stick:- found in the fotress, central hall. with the scorpion sword,tur n the lever facing thesave fountain(where the middle platform come up). it will be easy if u know the way to hte life upgrade. go the same way down and DO NOT ENTER the door.insted(f acing the door go right,climb up)and break the wall to get the hockey stick. In the hard g ame this weapon is stronger than scorpion sword.BELIEVE ME!!!!!!!!!! 5)light sword:- found in the mystic caves. there are only two doors which open b y switch. After the opening of the first door there is a drop in the floor. break the wall to the left and get the light sword. (it is the most powerful secondry & un distructibl e weapon in the game). if you need any help regarding this game, just ask me....... To defeat kailena easily: ------------------------Submitted by: abhi bhatt This is not a cheat: it is easy form that u can easily defeat kailena. 1:firstly u must have all sand tanks full before u starting fight with her .afte r video, successfully escape from her attack and go to end of the ground and hang on it.. when u hang on it, kailena does not harm u. she only stand on a position. After some time go back again, suddenly u saw she used her sand tank to slowdown time. go back to the end of gr ound and hang on it untill her sand tank will finished. Then quick fast to stand over ground a nd use ur sand tank to slow down time. Then make a big attack combo on kilena . Every time u se e ur sand tank gone to finished go back on the end of the ground and again hang on itrepeat thi s process until the twisters came. Note: dont go to the middile of the ground to attack kailena. Always stand on the end of ground. this will make u quick faster to hang on the ledge. 2: this is that how can u escape from twister! Firstly dont stand on a same posi tion on the

ground. Keep changing position until all of three should come. after it every ti me when a twister came nearly, roll bidirectionly left or right side of the twister on the ground. make sure all three twister came from a same direction. This will happened, if u r quick faster on the keys. And every time collect the sand left by twister. Note: make sure that when twister finished, u r on middile of the ground. If any twister will end on the and of the ground u not able to collect the sand. Dear friend this is abhi..make ur all querries abt this game at abhi.bhatt749@gm U CAN CHANGE UR FATE How to kill crow king: ----------------------Submitted by: Saksham Saxena When you go to the crow king in the not fight. Turn to right side and climb on the on the wall and stick to the pole. Jump to next go up. Openn the door by the symbol of prince of Defeating kaileena- 1st time: ----------------------------Submitted by: jayanthan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. escape and go to the pillars. but be careful , she has a teleporting power perform a column attack continuosly. after draining some health, she calls for some monsters. u can either use sand attacks or u can defeat them by performing wall attacks but be careful, she is very strong in combat. she is infensive in acrobatic attacks use environment as your advantage. good luck. hope it works . third level, we will fight on the bridge. Do surface. Then climb on other side. Then walk pole. Jump to the surface. Walk on wall and Persia. Go inside the door. Level completed!

Handle Empress: --------------Submitted by: WAQAR ZEB Email: Kill Empress by slow down time. Slow the time then attack her quickly as possibl e as you can. When sand tanks are finished run through palace to get them from utensi ls. In normal time when Empress attack you in speed, block her and be aware of her k ick. Because prince never stop it just like he never stop the kick of black cloths gi rl in initial stages of game. Here I am submitting remaining Secondary Weapons which are not listed till now: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Submitted By:- Argade Swapnil Secret Hand-Gloves: ------------------After killing empress(First time) when you meet with dahaka at secret room, wher e you run from dahaka three times at three different way from one door around a room.1st w ay is straight from door. 2nd & 3rd is from right side after door.In that way after 4 to 5 jumps you will reach at junction from where 2nd & 3rd way separates.Their is closed ro om on left side at junction & in front of which secret gloves is placed on stand. Like another secret weapons it is not neccessary to brake the secret walls to fi nd this weapon. To get it keep some sands with you because it needs to slow the time or dahaka will kill you easily. As this secondary weapon is unbreakable, but you will lose it,if you throw it. This has maximum damage & attack rate after light sword. Crane sword: -----------When you get scorpion sword, find way to garden.Here you want to change the time into present. Their are two time portals One is straight through garden & one is at behind of it & its way is absolute at top of 1st. After changing time into 2nd time portal you will ric h at central portion of garden, but at very topmost floor, where their is large cracked stone on leftside. go behind it, take out the ledge from wall by pressing button.Now go to top ledg e & drop On to slab, where their is mark of two squares(large &small) on wall, Brake that wa ll to get Crane sword. As this secondary weapon is unbrekable, but you will lose it,if you throw it. Th is is longest damaging weapon, having good attacking strength. Dahaka's Dialogs: -----------------Submitted by: BRZR Ok when you are chased by The Dahaka, he keeps saying somthing. Its gibberish. N ow when he stops saying, rewind the game, and you can hear what he was saying. Actually his dialogs are recorded backwards so that it can be heard when used rewind. Break walls: -----------Submitted by: ghost In the game before prince transforms into sandwraith you will find a sword named mainyu which

is before the platform where you fight dahaka .this sword can break walls. you can also break walls by duck mace,lightsword,hockey stick. TAKING SCREENSHOTS of prince of persia2-warrior within: ------------------------------------------------------Submited by: ROHIT BHATI, nangal jaisa bohra, jaipur-12 E-mail hi bro! it's true, u can take screenshots of pop2-ww.when you playing this game just press the button PRINT SCREEN (JUST RIGHT OF [F12] ) one time, to do this.Remember just pr ess this button one time to one capture.other way you take many screenshots of one capture. AND these screenshots's location is your pop2-ww installation folder. NOTE: if u want incries your screenshots size just right click on your pop2-ww i con and go on on shortcut u find a line Target: "C:\Program Files\UBISOFT\Prince of Persia Warrior Within\PrinceOfPersia .exe" Add these words after a space"-screenshots1024*768'' and u will get a size1024*7 68 screenshot. i am grate... fane of this game.i have completed this game many i know a ll about this. i have collect all 9 life upgrade and miscellaneous weapon.i wil give u some hin t abou them nexttime. cool playing...,perfect playing.... Glowing Sword: -------------Submitted by: Alexander If you get the glowing sword and you intend to kill dahaka with it(and water swo rd), the best ting is to trow it away....get yourself the teddy bear (it replenish pr ince's lost life)...when you hit dahaka with the glowing sword it(the sword) will take life from you.. Invisible crows: ---------------Submitted by: Aryan This is not exactly the cheat, but a bug in the game. when you face the crow mas ter the first time, after the cutscene, instead of going ahead to fight, go all the way back t o the saving fountain and save. When you go to fight him next time, the same cutscene appears , but crows that were shown in the previous cutscene are now invisible, and the crow master appears without the crows being shown forming him. Hockey stick: ------------After getting the Scorpion Sword, return to the central room. Turn the turnstile

so that the lever is facing the doorway with the save point fountain. Stand facing the oppos ite doorway and walk up slightly and to the right. You will find a ledge that is one step lo wer than the area around you. Walk down and grab on to it. Jump to the opposite ledge then ju mp back and forth to slowly make your way down. Once you reach the bottom, drop down to the ledge below it. Wall Run to the next wall and get ready to jump off and back and forth to ma ke your way up. Wall Run again, and when you reach the end wall, jump to slow your descent a gain. You will eventually grab onto a ledge. Make your way to the doorway that is next to it, b ut do not enter. Instead, keep going on the rocks until you see the area where sand is falling. U se the Scorpion Sword to break the wall. Break the rack of weapons and pick up the hockey stick. The hockey stick is unbreakable, but if you throw it the weapon will be lost. It has modera te damage and a relatively slow attack rate. Light Sword: -----------The Light Sword is the most powerful secondary weapon in the game. When in the M ystic Caves, you will find a door that you must unlock via a switch. Immediately after that d oor, there is a drop in the floor. Drop down and break the left wall. Break the rack to pic k up the Light Sword. It is unbreakable, but if you throw it you it will be lost. The Light Swo rd has maximum damage and maximum attack rate. Defeating shahdee easily: ------------------------Submitted by: wada When fighting shahdee she will block.Immediately after blocking she will try to attack so just dodge by rolling to one side somersault backwards let her finish her striking be fore going to attack her again.Do this a couple of times and you will get rid of her easily. Crossing chapter without fighting :Don't mess with the crowmaster: -----------------------------------------------------------------Submitted by: Imon The Threat (from Bangladesh) Email: Boss: Crowmaster The crowmaster (after fighting with Sahi,its the 2nd boss) isn't so tough to kil l,but who want's problem?You just don't need to kill him.You will see the crowmaster from behind the door. If you cross the door and run towards him,he'll start to fight you.So,don't go t

o kill him, just turn right.You'll get a wall,jump and climb on it.Then do a 'straight wall run' towards the wall before you (you'll get dark end on your left side if you face the wall) and press [space] or the jump key to jump backward.The prince'll find a ledge to catch.Climb on it ; you are in a balcony; run towards the other end of it.Do a wall run and jump in the right tim e to grab a pillar. You'll get another pillar to grab.Jump to it and grab it.From there,jump to anot her balcony. Well,where is the crowmaster now?He is right there,where you left him . :) :D . So,you are now a little bit far from it...without fighting him !You must now run on the wall to join a ledge. Turn back and wall run again to another ledge. Now jump up and then on a ledge on the right.To open the door, simply run to the button as indicated in the tutorial advices. See?No fighting,no problem.But if you tried to kill it ,you must have to face it three times.... do we need to fight him at all?Yeah,you got the answer,No . :) Be good.Bye gamelovers :) __________________________________ Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2011 __________________________________

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