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Meeting Minutes

January 15, 2007

Board members present: Dave Steiner, Myrna Coleman, Kris Meek and Rose Klein. Member:
Vicki Hessheimer. Guest: John Spatz, candidate for city council.

The Mayor’s Round Table is a group of leaders from neighborhood associations who meet
with the mayor once a month. Tommy Taylor, Kris Meek and Myrna Coleman attended the last
Round Table meeting last Thursday at 4:30 p.m. The next meeting has been scheduled for
February 8th at 5:30 p.m. so more people could come. Kris and Myrna said that they will go to
the meeting when Tommy cannot go.

City Council candidate John Spatz asked us what the needs of the Highlands Neighborhood
are. Kris Meek said that we need more lighting at the recycling center. Vicki Hessheimer said
she wishes we could get an emergency Blue Call Box in the South Park area. Kris Meek had
suggested in the past that we would like to get some solar street lights in the South Park. Kris
has looked into the cost of solar street lights and they run about $3,000 each.

Rose Klein needs to call Jim Portis, Northwest District Supervisor of Lincoln Parks and
Recreation to tell him where we would like them to place dog bag receptacles in the south
park. The members at the meeting suggested that we would like them placed at each of the
three entrances to the South Park and where the trails all converge in the middle. We would
also like one placed next to the shelter in the North Park.

Kris Meek said that we pay $125 to a Boy Scout troop to deliver 1,600 newsletters in the
Highlands. At the next meeting we need to elect new officers and finalize the newsletter for
printing. The next newsletter needs to be delivered before the April 7th Egg Hunt.

The next meeting will be Monday, February 19th, 2007 (the third Monday) at 7:30 p.m. at the
Highlands Golf Course Clubhouse. (Election of officers will take place at the March meeting.

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