Oil and Gas 1

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ChG4364A/8191E Oil & Gas Processing

Assignment 1 Problem 1[40%] The viscosities of a heavy oil sample were measured under several temperatures and the results are listed below. Assuming that the dependence of viscosity on temperature follow the API correlation, estimate the viscosity value at 180oC. Prepare for a normal plot showing dependence of viscosity on temperature. T oC
41.2 46.1 68.5 87.0 104.8

Due October 8, 2012

Viscosity, Pa.s
12.5 4.2 2.41 0.25 0.08

Problem 2 [60%] Distillation tests were performed to a heavy oil sample and the true boiling point data are listed in Table 1 below. As a junior engineer, you are asked to perform the following: a. Prepare for a boiling curve; b. Determine the initial boiling point (IBP, 5%w vaporized), the final boiling point (FBP, 95%w vaporized), the weight average boiling point (WABP), the volume average boiling point (VABP) and the molar average boiling point (MABP); c. Using the API correlation, calculate the molecular weight, critical pressure, critical temperature, and eccentric factor for each boiling cuts and plot them against their boiling points; d. For a processing capacity of 100 tons per hour, how much LPG (Tb<30oC), straight run gasoline (30oC<Tb<90oC), naphtha (90oC<Tb<180oC), middle distillate (180oC<Tb<340oC), atmospheric gas oil (340oC<Tb<400oC), vacuum gas oil (400oC<Tb<524oC), and vacuum residue (Tb>524oC) can be produced from the distillation units per hour? Table 1: True Boiling Points
T, oC 45 67 125 160 190 200 211 275 341 399 445 517 569 Wt% 0 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 85 90 100 Density 630 714 742 770 786 798 816 828 860 890 912 932 958

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