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24 p=p/RT=(1.2)(1.01 x 10°) (287)(300) p= 141 kg/m? v= Mp = 1/141 = 0.71 m/kg 2.2 Mean kinetic energy of each atom = ee (1.38 x 1079)(500) = 1.035 x 107° J 2 One kg-mole, which has a mass of 4 kg, has 6.02 x 10% atoms. Hence | kg has t (6.02 x 10°) = 1.505 x 10 atoms. Total internal energy = (energy per atom)(number of atoms) = (1.035 x 107\(1.505 x 10°) = 1.558 x 10°F 2116 = 0.002375! 230 p= B= 7 RT (1716)(460+59) Volume of the room — = (20)(15)(8) = 2400 f° ‘Total mass in the room = (2400)(0.00237) = 5.688 slug Weight 5.688)(32.2)= 183 Ib P 2116 24 Po. ___ RT (1716)(460-10) = 0.00274 Since the volume of the room is the same, we can simply compare densities between the ‘two problems, slug Ap = 0.00274 - 0.00237 = 0.00037 Yehange = 22 = 200037 p 000237 x (100) = 15.6% increase 2.5 First, calculate the density from the known mass and volume, p= 1500/900 = 1.67 Iby/ft? In consistent units, p = 1.67/32.2 = 0.052 slug/ft®. Also, T= 70F = 70 + 460 = 530R. Hence, p= pRT = (0.52)(1716(530) p= 47290 lb/ft? or p= 47290/2116 = 22.3 atm 2.6 p=pRT fnp= énp+ énR+ énT Differentiating with respect to time, ldo, Lat pat Tat op _ pap, pat at pat Tat o, Parts past (ay dt dt dt At the instant there is 1000 Ib, of air in the tank, the density is p= 1000/900 = 1.11 Iby/ft? p= 1.11/52.2= 0.0345 slug/f? Also, in consistent units, is is given that T=50+460=510R and that a = 1F/min = 1R/min = 0.0167R/see From the given pumping rate, and the fact that the volume of the tank is 900 f°, we also have dp _ 05 Ib, /sec = ; .000556 Ibm/ (fe )(see at 300 Re 56 Iba /(ft)(sec) 000856 ily YS slugi(f*)(s 7 aa 1.73 x 10% slug/(ft*)(sec) ‘Thus, from equation (1) above, 2 = (1716)(510)(1.73 x 10°) + (0.0345)(1716)(0.0167) 161 = 15.1 + 0.99 = 16.1 Ib/(f2)(sec) = 15.1 + 0.99 = 16.1 Ib(fe(se0) = 57 = = 0.0076 atm/sec 2.7 Inconsistent units, T=-10-+273 = 263K ‘Thus, p=plRT=(1.7 x 10°V/(287\(263 p= 0.225 kg/m*

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