JOB Analysis

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Job Analysis
The process of determining , by observation and study and reporting pertinent information relating to the nature of a specific job. It is the determination of the tasks which comprise the job and of the skills, knowledge , ability and responsibilities required by the worker to perform a certain job.

Job Analysis
Job analysis the analysis of subdivided work in the organization, both at the level of the individual job and and for the entire flow of the production process.

Job- A grouping of related duties, tasks and behaviours performed by one or more individuals. Positions- It refers to the number of individuals who are performing the duties , tasks & behaviour required by a specific job.

The chronological steps to effective work analysis1. What are the required outcomes /measures for assessing strategy execution(eg: customer requirements) 2. What are necessary , critical and essential steps , behaviour required to meet or exceed the requirement. what are the relative importance ,

frequency of these tasks for achieving measures.

3. What are necessary KSAs required to perform the activities. 4. How the job should be defined. Where does the work get done to maximize efficiency / effectiveness. Do we use individual jobs, teams , independent contractors, full time/ part time ? Do we outsource.

Job Analysis

Strategy Whom to serve

what to serve

KSA how to serve

Who will serve

Job Analysis
Job description -An organised , factual statement of the duties and responsibilities of a specific job. Job specification-A statement of the minimum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform a job properly.

Job Analysis
Job description-Contents of JD Job title Location of the job Supervision given and received Material , machinery, tools used in the job Designation of immediate super ordinates. Salary level and perks Complete list of duties to be performed Definition of unusual terms Conditions of work T& D facilities Promotional chances and growth

Job Analysis
Job specification-Contents of JS Job Grade Job Title Age , gender, Educational qualification Training received Experience Physical specification Social specification Hobbies , interest & co-curricular activities

Process of Job Analysis

Determine the job or process to be analyzed Determine methods and analyze the job or process Examine the recorded data on the job or process Define and formalize new methods and performance standards for the job or process Maintain new methods and performance standards for the job

1. Determine the job or process to be analyzed

Job analysis is done in 2 ways



Basis for this : 1. Criticality of the job 2. Availability of job analyst 3. Availability of external performance benchmarks

2.Determine methods and analyze the job or process

Job analysis methods: 1. Interviews 2. Observation 3. Questionnaires 4. Journals and Diaries 5. Output & production analysis 6. Current JD & JS

3.Examine the recorded data on the job or process

What is the purpose of the job What behaviour is required to perform the job Means of performing the job Who performs the job Where is the job physically performed

4.Define and formalize new methods and performance standards for the job
Any changes are required in the machinery, materials, behavioural sequencing Any task or duties to be deleted or added Any changes in knowledge , skill or abilities are required Rationale for proposing changes

5.Maintain new methods and performance standards for the job

1. 2. 3. 4. Communication and Training Supervisory reinforcement Employee feedback Reward systems

Techniques of JA
Critical Incidents Technique Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) Functional Job Analysis (FJA) The Hay system Competency based approach

Critical Incidents Technique

Qualitative process Behavioral statements are produced A scale of rating on which a range from superior to ineffective is measured

Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)

Used for appraisal of employee Job is divided into no. of key dimensions Assigning the numerical value to the key factors from 1-7 It is both Qualitative and Quantitative method

Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. It is Quantitative method 5 point scale is used It involves both interview and observation 194 job elements are measured under 6 dimensionsInformation output Mental processes Work output Relationship with other workers Job context and work satisfaction Other job characteristics

Functional Job Analysis (FJA)

1. 2. 3. It is Quantitative method Job analyses is done on 3 dimensionsPeople Data Things Each dimension is rated on the basis of complexity and importance

The Hay system

1. 2. 3. Used for compensation purpose It is Quantitative method Uses 3 factors to analyse each jobKnow how Problem solving Accontability

Competency based approach

Two types of competencies are seen1. Core competency 2. Role or specific competency

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