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Cholecystectomy Nursing Care Plan: Risk for Infection

Assessment S: O: pt. may manifest: >inadequate secondary defenses >insufficient knowledge to avoid exposure to pathogen Nursing Diagnosis Risk for infection r/t impaired primary defense. Scientific Explanation The patient is at risk of acquiring infection due to the break in the continuity of the first line defense which is the skin. The patient shall have undergone cholecystectomy, thus there is an incision and suture made in the abdomen. If there is a breakage in the skin, the pathogens will easily invade the bodys system thus increasing risk for infection. Planning (Objective/Goal) Short-term: Interventions Rationale 1. for baseline data 2. a first line defense against nosocomial infection or cross contaminatio n 3. to establish mechanism to prevent occurrence of infection 4. to hasten wound healing 5. to prevent the occurrence of infection 6. to determine effectiveness of therapy Evaluation Short-term: After 1 hour of nursing interventions, the patient shall have demonstrated techniques in reducing risk of having infection. Long-term: After 1 day of nursing interventions, the patient shall have achieved timely wound healing, be free of purulent drainage, be afebrile.

1. monitor v/s and assess patients After 1 hour of nursing condition interventions, the 2. stress proper patient will hand washing demonstrate techniques techniques in reducing risk of having 3. strict infection. compliance to hospital control, sterilization, Long-term: and aseptic policies After 1 day of nursing interventions, the 4. increase oral patient will achieve fluid intake if timely wound healing, not be free of purulent contraindicated drainage, be afebrile. 5. tell patient to comply to antibiotic therapy as prophylaxis 6. monitor medication regimen

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