Writing A Composition in 3 Steps

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READ the instructions well 2. Think of the FORMAT you need 3.

Think of the IDEAS you want to say and all the points you have to include 4. Make short notes of those ideas and organise them into paragraphs

Use new vocabulary Use new and varied structures and tenses (present simple & continuous, past simple & continuous, present perfect, Saxon genitive, comparatives and superlatives, relative clauses...) Connect your ideas with linkers (and, but, because, although, also, too...) and sequencers if necessary (first, then, later, after that, finally...)

Count the number of words Make sure the paragraphs are balanced Look for: Spelling mistakes Punctuation problems (e.g. capital letters, commas) Typical grammar errors (no 3rd person -s, no subjects, adjectives in the plural, strange word order)

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