Kessler Re-Elected Senate President

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January 9, 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Lynette Maselli 304.357.7809


Charleston, WV The West Virginia State Senate voted today to keep Senator Jeff Kessler (DMarshall) as its President for the next two years. I am honored to be elected by my fellow Senators and vow to remain committed to the goal of advancing West Virginia to new heights, says Kessler. West Virginia is facing many challenges; however, I am confident that by working together as a unified, bi-partisan Senate, we will overcome the challenges in order to move West Virginia forward. Kessler became President in 2011 following a one year term as West Virginias first and only Acting Senate President. In December, he received the unanimous backing of his fellow Democrats during a closed-door caucus. Kessler says the top priority for the 2013 Legislative Session will be balancing the state budget. In addition to budget matters, President Kesslers other priorities include education reform, prison overcrowding and child poverty issues. The Legislature briefly convened earlier today but then recessed until February 13th when the 2013 session begins.


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