Tesla Speaking

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Today I'd like to talk about magnificant engeineer Nikola Tesla.

Despite of fact, that he create fantastic, timeless inventions based on electricity, his surname is still absent in majority of history books. He invented such popular and ordinary things like radio, remote control pilot, and electricity in nowadays meaning. There was only one problem. He had giant bad luck. After his move to US he started to realise his ideas so effectively that in the end of 1890 he was called greatest brain in USA. This fact made other inventors anxious and the witch - hunt began. Nikola Tesla finished his radio in the end of 1899 - everything worked well. He show the latest invention to few inventor - friends, inter alia Guglielmo Marconi who also was working on radio. He simply stold plans and became called as radio father. The second invention - the understatning of electricity was stolen by other much more famous person - T. A. Edison, who was employer of young Tesla. Problem took place when the old man couldn't understand how the new kind of electricity works. But when he realised the fact - how good business it could be - he fired Tesla and describe Tesla's invention to himself. Now more and more people admire Nikola Tesla's creativity and his name became more famous year by year.

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