Trick of The Month Oct 2010

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0ften uie casteis expeiience casting pioblems causeu by simple iunnei uesign faults. These casting pioblems
can iange fiom
Blisteiing on the suiface
Suuuen weaiing away of the uie anu pin hole maiks
uioss poiosity that seems to come anu go
Why is the iunnei a pioblem. It all comes uown to flow.
1. '6")%$&-()*$+&%"##$%- In this case the iunnei changes uiiection suuuenly. You may not have a squaie
coinei but the same pioblem occuis if the iauius in the benu is too tight.

The flow simulation shows a lot of tuibulence anu back flow in the coinei. This will tiap aii in the
coineis anu slowly incoipoiate aii into the flow. Wheie will the aii enu up. It all uepenus on the ianuom
time when the aii in that coinei slips into the flow. Also, you woulu expect cavitation to occui on the
benu anu this will cause uie uamage fuithei uown stieam, often within the casting cavity.
2. 7%$)-&/#8%$)-$&)%2"#+&.($&3$#+9 In this case the cioss sectional aiea of the iunnei uoes not ueciease
along the flow path. This means that the metal has to go aiounu the coinei anu move into a laigei space.
This causes a lot of pioblems.

The flow has become confuseu. The gate feu by this iunnei will not flow evenly anu theie is a uangei of
cavitation foimation on the insiue coinei. Again, this can cause uie uamage uown stieam.
S. :22+&%"##$%&+$-/0#9 In this case the iunnei is uesigneu so that the aiea ieuuces along the flow path.

The simulation shows that the flow is smooth anu theie is no sign of tuibulence oi cavitation.

Besigning the iunnei piopeily can ieuuce the poiosity anu inciease uie life. Take youi time anu uo it iight
uuiing the uie uesign.

This is presented by MMAA Global- a Consortium of Die Casting Experts (see
At MMAA Global we offer an international solution to your die casting needs with bases in Europe, Australia/South East
Asia, China and South Africa. We can assist you in:
* Foundry Training at all levels of the company * Die Design
* Part Design * Troubleshooting
* Assisting in outsourcing Die Manufacture * Flow and Thermal Simulation
;;77&:423)4- A Woilu Wiue Consoitium of Bie Casting Expeits
Youi local iepiesentative is: Noiiis Nuiiay (+61 |uj 419 S28 u2S) Email:

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