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Jorge Botala Boloso April 16, 2005 University 101 Book review #1 Formula for Success in The First

Year The book Formula for Success in the First Year, written by Thomas A. Power, ACSW, conduces to a new episode in my life. It encourages me to fight against the power and manipulation of my negative voice, which does not contribute to the development of my personality and the fulfillment of my goals. The book defines several factors, which influence our academic performance. The first part of the book introduces the concept of Drunken Monkey. This analyses the two voices within our soul- positive voice and negative voice- focuses on the negative effects of the little voice, and the outcome of the positive voice. The book also discuses some strategies we can apply to succeed in school. But most important, it states that the responsibility to success is up to each individual. This statement is followed by many examples related to the factors that can positively contribute to the fulfillment of our goals, and can lead us to produce less success and less happiness, referring to our performance in school and throughout our life. In addition, the book evaluates the importance of being specicific. It encourages us to manage our time, to control ourselves, and to commit to our promises rather than wasting the time trying to control the limited resources that are out of our hands and/or lose our self-assurance because those promises we made we never commit. The second part of the book introduces an academic guide, which offers useful information about algebra, grammar and geography. Most important in this part of the book are the series of advises about the campus environment, the study skills one must develop in order to succeed academically, and recommendation about those factors that could help us focus on our major/career.

This book seems to have been written for me. Most of the factors and examples it mentions to lead to poor performance in school are not unusual in my life. Thus, the book is like a new friend I have met in my life in an unfamiliar environment whose advises, strengths and experiences guide me and protect me against the manipulation of the little voice and introduces me to all the facilities required to survive in the new environment.

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