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Torrey Pines Debate 2012-2013

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Dam Removal is unpopular ensures gridlock

Yakima Herald-Republic 8/16/12 [Hastings slams dam removal U.S. Rep. creates bill to strip funding from groups that oppose hydropower, http://www.wenatcheeworld.com/news/2012/aug/16/hastings-slams-dam-removal-us-rep-creates-bill-to/, ruochen] PASCO Using his hometown soapbox to hammer away at those who would remove hydropower dams, U.S. Rep. Doc Hasting on Wednesday gaveled a congressional committee to order on legislation that would dramatically limit the use of federal funds for dam-removal efforts. Hastings Saving Our Dams and Hydropower Development and Jobs Act of 2012 (HB 6247) would strip funding from environmental groups that want to remove hydropower dams and prohibit the use of federal dollars to remove them drew pointed comments at a field hearing of the House Natural Resources Committee. But opponents of the bill, including environmental, fishing and American Indian groups, say it would punish advocates who call for the removal of obsolete dams that hurt traditional fish habitats. Consolidating oversight and decision-making over dams into the hands of Congress, as called for in the bill, would only lead to more gridlock of the environmental and economic impact of dams nationwide, witnesses said. Every single dam must be considered on its own merits, Glen Spain, Northwest director for the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermens Associations, said in his committee testimony. The hearing, led by Hastings and U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif., was held in front of a mostly supportive crowd. At the heart of the debate are ongoing efforts by salmon advocates to remove dams on the Snake River by the Idaho, Washington and Oregon borders as well as dams on the Klamath River Basin along the southern Oregon and northern California borders. Removal of those federally owned dams already requires congressional approval.

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