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PROJECT REVIEW I was very satisfied with my game because after hard work doing lots of formulas such

as if statements, count if. Also I think my game was good because I put it lots if time and effort to it. I was satisfied with my game because when I first play it everything was perfect and that make me feel like I had done a really good work with it. I think my game was successful and also it could be a lot better. My game had everything the teacher said I needed to have, for example my game had all cells formatted, also it had conditional formatting and I learned how to freeze cells, rows or columns. In the other hand I think I didnt ask for the teacher as soon I had any problem, also I used the minimum of boxes needed and I think that I could have done it better. How I make it was easy.

How I said in the first part of this essay how I make was easy, as soon I understand it. My game uses many components firstly I used excel, secondly to make that game I used like 5 formulas and one of them was a count If or an If statement. But I also used 7 different types of formatting for example I used conditional formatting. Over the course of the game I learned how to do many things like I said doing formulas or doing formatting but also in the spreadsheet I learned how to freeze cells. I used freeze cells to freeze the title and the score, in the game I also learned how to do formulas like count if that is used for counting how many right or wrong answers there was. I would do lots of improvements. I would do lots of improvements if I had more time for example one thing I would really like to was to do more player because I just did 15 but I know I could do more but I didnt do it. My quiz is very easy to play so I think therell be just one thing I like to put that is to put some clues next to each question and I think that will make my game much easier. Something Ill do if did the project again is to dont mess up trying to copy and paste all the things perfectly.

by: Galo Landivar

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