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Open Disclosure Document Integrated Science Clayton Middle School Mr.

Course Description Seventh Grade Integrated Science emphasizes structure as an organizing concept to understand matter, genetics/inheritance and classification systems. Course Goals and Objectives The main intent of science instruction in Utah is that students will value and use science as a process of obtaining knowledge based upon observable evidence. See the Utah State core science curriculum ( for more information. Course Materials Students will not be issued a textbook; instead, they may check one out from the teacher at one week intervals as deemed necessary. There is also an on-line reference (Sci-ber Text) that can be accessed at Format and Procedures Sci-ber Text Instructional activities will include lectures, demonstrations, discussions, presentations, hands-on lab activities, work sheets and reading. Students will be required to work alone, in pairs and in small groups. Course Requirements Each student must have a standard, 100 page composition notebook that will be used exclusively for organizing science materials and assignments and for demonstrating understanding of science concepts. Failure to bring the science notebook to class each and every day will result in a loss of credit and a reduction in grade. It will be the responsibility of the student to replace a lost, missing or damaged science notebook.

Science Core


Students will be required to complete hands on lab activities, analysis questions and other worksheets, create and interpret tables and graphs (data) as well as create their own lab procedures. Additionally, students will be tested on a regular basis using both formal (paper and pencil tests) and informal (hands-on skills) methods. Students will be required to turn in a signed lab safety contract in order to participate in labs. A zero grade will be recorded for labs missed due to a missing safety contract. Home work, for the most part, will consist of work that the student was unable to finish in classfor example, many labs are designed to be completed at home.

Lab Safety

The state administered CRT (Criterion Reference Test) will serve as a final exam and will be factored into a students final grade. Periodic progress reports will also be sent home and will need to be signed and returned for credit. Students wishing to participate (singly or in groups of 2 or 3) in the school science fair will be given 50 points of extra credit. Participation is optional. Students will observe the following rules: 1. Follow Directions 2. Be on time (this means be in your seat before the bell rings) 3. No talking while the teacher is talking 4. Bring your science notebook and something to write with every day Failure to follow these rules will result in one or more of the following consequences: 1. Verbal warning 2. Last one out of the classroom/teacher conference 3. Lunch detention/PASS (Positive Alternative to School Suspension) 4. Meeting/phone conference with parent 5. Reduction of citizenship grade
Revised August 2012

Grading Procedures Points will be given for each completed assignment. Grades will be calculated as a percentage of total possible points according to the following scale: A A95% - 100% 90% - 94% B+ B B85% - 89% 80% - 84% 75% - 79% C+ C C70% - 74% 65% - 69% 60% - 64% D+ D D58% - 59% 56% - 57% 54% - 55%

Students citizenship behavior will be evaluated on an ongoing basis according to the following scale: H: Contributes in a positive way to class activities S: Demonstrates satisfactory behavior N: Behavior needs improvement U: Detracts from classroom objectives Additionally, regardless of behavior, four (4) tardies in a quarter will result in an N citizenship grade. Five (5) tardies in a quarter will result in a U citizenship grade (see Clayton Middle School Code of Conduct in student planner). All assignments are due on or before the Friday of the week they are assigned. Likewise, assignments given on Friday will be due on or before the following Friday. Exceptions to this will be communicated at the time the assignment is given. Late assignments will only be accepted during the half quarter in which they were originally assigned. For example, an assignment given during the first half of the term would not be accepted after midterm. Likewise, an assignment given during the last half of the term would not be accepted after the end of the term. Late assignments, regardless of the reason they are late, will result in a 20% point reduction. It will be the responsibility of the student to obtain missed assignments from the class website (

Web Site

Students who are missing labs and activities will be required to make these up after school. The teacher will be available most Friday afternoons from 1:30-3:00 to help with lab work. As with other late assignments, missing labs and activities will only be accepted during the half quarter in which they were originally assigned. Missed labs and activities, regardless of the reason they were missed, will result in a 20% point reduction. Assignments and labs may be resubmitted once (per assignment) to be re-gradeda second chance. Second chance assignments must be resubmitted during the half quarter in which they were originally assigned. Extra credit will only be offered occasionally (see second chance above). Parents and students can access student progress at any time via Parentstudent portal (usually called PowerSchool). The following link will take you directly to the login screen: . If you do not have a login, please contact the district office at 801.578.8599 or Teacher Contact Information I maintain an open door policy. If either you or your student are having trouble, let me know and we can schedule a time to help. I can be reached by e-mail at (preferred) or by phone at 801.481.4810 x 2002.





Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with disabilities provided that reasonable notice is given to arrange for the accommodations. The Salt Lake City School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, or sex.
Revised August 2012

Please PRINT students name: __________________________________ Grade ____ Period ____ Please PRINT parent or guardians name: _______________________________________________

We have received a copy of, read and understood Mr. Bancrofts Integrated Science Disclosure Document. _______________________________________________________
Parent or Guardian signature


Student signature


This page needs to be signed and returned to Mr. Bancroft for credit. Please keep the attached disclosure document for your reference

Revised August 2012

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